
Replied on Added Challenge…

Apr 17 at 06:26 PM

Thank you Jessica! 💛 He’s a great motivation for taking care of myself (in all spheres) and modeling how we make time for that.

Apr 17 at 01:06 PM

Great way to get a sweaty cardio in within 30 mins! This is the second time I’ve done this one; while cardio is ALWAYS a challenge for me (a guide to what I need), it was very cool to see my endurance has increased to power through after doing a M/Body workout daily for the past 40+ days.


Apr 17 at 12:50 PM

Added challenge is being quizzed about Pokémon characters your child drew while you’re getting your M/Body workout “me time” in. Whew! 🤪😂💪🎨 (I don’t post about Eli on IG, but he is often in the background and sometimes trying the choreography and cool down stretches with me).


Commented on M/<20 ARM DANCE /140

Apr 17 at 12:10 PM

I was worried about this shorty class as my arms/shoulders were feeling tired today. In fact, the arm stretch/chest opener motion at the end of warmup rolling hangovers had audible pops and creaks today. And yet this class was wonderful for the arms- definitely a workout, but the choreography changes keep it moving just when you start to think you’re fatiguing, and this shorty class went by SO quickly.

Commented on I did it!

Apr 17 at 11:31 AM

Woo hoo!! 👏🎉 Reflecting it back to you!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /181

Apr 17 at 10:04 AM

During this class I was feeling the leg and hip/glute focus. I thought our lovely stretch after weights meant we were done with arms, but this class had some sneaky arm/shoulder work added after with plank form that I felt later that night. Definitely full body sweat! 🖤

Apr 17 at 09:55 AM

I also liked that class. Thanks for sharing! You’re right, it can be so hard. Great idea having that visual reminder. 💗

Commented on Favourite Class

Apr 17 at 09:53 AM

Ohhh nice choice! Cardio is not easy for me. I agree on the not exercising this many days in a row and seeing positive effects. I was thinking it would be cool for Challengers to share what progressions or positive impact they experienced at the end of this. Maybe a social media blast for promoting our beloved M/Body.

Commented on Fave from board 2

Apr 17 at 09:51 AM

I appreciate your selection of something that was a challenge 💪

Commented on Favorite Class

Apr 17 at 05:16 AM

Good points! I am trying to jot down some of Marnie’s words that resonate, b/c the feeling sticks with me but by the end of class I don’t always remember the quotes. I appreciate the pause button for this reason (and when I need to get the form down a little bit more).