May 22, 2022

I don’t post my kiddo on my public IG but I am one proud momma! Today my 5.5 year old finished his second 5k AND he earned third place for boys under age 12! Eli kept a great pace even after skinning his knee, and he was so determined. When he said he was tired or was expressing frustration or doubts he could do it, I was reminding him we need water breaks and we can adjust the pace, and quoting Marnie’s mantras of “we can do hard things” and “as long as we’re going in the right direction it doesn’t matter how fast or slow we are going.” For a competitive racer that wouldn’t apply, but for our purposes it’s perfect. I like modeling and engaging him in healthy habits, and even though I still don’t like running I’ll always run for a cause (today was pancreatic cancer). I’m sharing as I’m proud of him AND b/c M/BODY influences me on and off the mat (and trickles down to my little one).