
Commented on Challenge Complete

May 03 at 12:07 PM

Look at those completed boards!!! Jessica you did amazing! I’ve felt uplifted by your comments to me and others throughout this Challenge and so thankful we’ve been in it together. Cheers to your awesome accomplishment! 💃🏽💪👏🥳

Commented on DAY 60!!!

May 03 at 07:10 AM

Yaaaay!! Congratulations on finishing what you set out to do- and even more joyful celebration in your beautiful relationship with your body! Gains gains gains 🎉🌻

Commented on Day 59- Reflections

May 02 at 03:00 PM

Beautiful moments captured- and your sweet pup….. 🐾😍😍

Commented on Day 59-Reflections

May 02 at 03:00 PM

I appreciate reading your messages and what you share about yourself and your journey and how you lovingly cheer on and support others. You are such a bright light! And it sounds like we started our M/BODY experience around the same time- love that connection ♥️

May 01 at 10:20 AM

I love the Signature classes so much! Almost every move I’m like “ohh I love this one!”. I can’t get enough of the hip opening/closing moves on all fours, those always feel wonderful. The plank choreography was particularly challenging today, and I dropped a few times, but popped back up and met the initial frustrated feeling with “progress not perfection.” Our effort can be at about the same level each day and still yield different results. ❤️

May 01 at 06:51 AM

Thank you! I welcome gardening tips-I’m much more successful keeping animals alive than plants. Our seedlings will be moved to the raised garden bed this week as I think the morning frosts are finally over where I live. To get more veggies in beyond onions and bell peppers, I’ve added at least some of spinach, broccoli, and mushrooms and all work well w/ the seasonings. I cook the veggies, season, and add the beans to them. Also it was kinda of refreshing to post a mid-cooking pic that was not filtered, posed, and featured the stove top w/ oil and seasoning splatters from the chicken. Nothing like a view of real life!

Replied on Hi Fam!

Apr 30 at 04:34 PM


Apr 30 at 04:23 PM

Thank you! Hoping the birds and bees enjoy. 😊


Apr 30 at 03:37 PM

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2 / 2

I want to create something more aligned with art, but given schedules I’m counting creating a beautiful Spring space on my side deck last weekend as my creative venture. I’m also throwing in tonight’s dinner as I mixed up seasonings for creating a quesadilla for my vegetarian self (black bean/spinach/broccoli, onion/bell peppers, cheese & tortilla) while also creating a regular chicken quesadilla for my husband, and a seasoned-but-not-spicy-with-the-right-tortilla for my son as my Wellness activity for Day 53. Finished quesadillas not pictured b/c I needed everyone out of my kitchen and then we all focused on eating- but they were yummy. 😊


Apr 30 at 02:09 PM

I gotcha covered 💛