
Jul 11 at 03:42 PM

I’m so sorry for this immense loss and the grief, the expression of love remaining, that you feel. I appreciate Lindsey J’s comment about whatever class you are called toward… I think with grief it can be that kindness and gentleness you show yourself, to take care of you through movement (and other ways), and allow the presence of the absence, allow the tears or the release, hug your sweaty self in the closing meditation of any class, and honor yourself, where you are in that moment of that day, and honor your connection with Allegra. Sometimes I’ll choose a restore class or healing hips class in the evening, surrounded by candles or white lights (strands of “Christmas lights”) encircling my mat. Sending hugs and appreciating your acceptance of the grief rather than running away from it. It is painful and can be beautiful as we feel the love through the loss. Ugh, either way, it’s heavy. And you’re not alone.


Jul 11 at 03:35 PM

How is your momma doing, Jenny G? Sending lots of good thoughts and healing vibes!


Jul 10 at 02:16 PM

This was a very cool class, originating from some people in the #mbodyglobalfam requesting a sweat AND stretch class. Marnie created some very cool choreography to bring both in 30 minutes, blending both with times of cardio bursts for more sweat and moments of holding a stretch and flowing through them. It was warm, sweaty, stretchy, and used only ourselves and the mat. Standing work with side jumps/steps, back curtsy lunges, and front knee up or kicks. Down on the mat for some stretchy plank dances. Hours later my inner thighs are singing and my shoulders are feeling it too, and my core and glutes feel some activation. It was paced, but not as quick as some sweat classes can be, but not as slow as some stretch classes. A very creative class and a great one when you want both sweat and stretch, or seeking a change up speed with a lovely flow. Enjoyed the class playlist as well (these are on Spotify, if you search for Marnie Alton’s profile, class playlists are posted for anyone to hear).

Jul 09 at 10:18 AM

Wow!! This class was wildly hip opening, core worked, legs worked, and glutes worked! The last few minutes of class before the cool down stretch were particularly difficult for me, balancing feet up on the ball on the chair. I look forward to a revisit and see if I can shift my mindset when that challenge comes around again. Definitely a quick moving, slightly different class for your repertoire. Try this one for when you need something “different” from the extensive M/BODY catalog!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /19

Jul 09 at 09:30 AM

This class brings the red and orange light, so much core work incorporated throughout class with a whole lot of hip tucks and circles. Class begins with cardio with core activation and twists, and some wonderful punches. We go into wide legs with low drops and a focus on depth, and quick changes in class for brain focus. We are standing for 2/3 of class and then move to the floor around minute 40 for some plank/push-up flow and mountain climbers, brief table top move working across our body (right leg, left arm for example), then into Pilates-focused core work and ending in glute bridge dance. This is an impactful class to return to!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /44

Jul 08 at 09:45 AM

This class really works dancer's legs, glutes. hips, and core. My upper body too, with the sprinkles of plank flows. I am working through the entire M/BODY class catalogue, and it is so much fun to do these earlier classes from 2020 and 2021 and experience the flows of Signature classes then, feel what remains and revisit some former flow choreography sequences. This class is standing, at the barre, and at the mat, but does not incorporate table top (on knees) moves, unless you modify plank/pushups onto the knees. Arm dance with hand weights is brief.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /70

Jul 07 at 12:45 PM

Wow, this class flew by and yet it was a wonderful challenge! The pace is quick, it is sweaty and sculpty and absolutely no equipment, although the Movement ball is mentioned as a prop option/modification a few times. We are standing, some jump options, low squats and goddess pose, and mat work in plank dance flows and in table top position as well as on our backs. So we need space to stretch and elongate around us for this awesome class.

Jul 07 at 10:01 AM

Wow, what a class for growing! I was traveling and since the floor had low pile carpet, I tried using paper plates as gliders and the intensity of some of the moves had me feeling the heat I was creating under my soles! This class worked with a high back chair substituting my barre. It was such a wonderful hip opening class, with moments of balletic grace and moments of freestyle attempts. It brings the heat, the stretch, and the sculpt. Thank you for creating these unique classes and thank you for being a cornerstone of my wellness on my birthday and throughout the year!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /21

Jul 07 at 09:55 AM

Echoing other comments, this is a total full-body class bringing the sweat especially in the first half. Marnie’s words throughout class about taking it one step at a time rather than the entire staircase, was a helpful mantra for this powerful class. There are excellent form guides and explanations along the way, for someone new or for reminders for those of us who have done many classes before. I felt this class especially in the front of my thighs where they connect with my hips, my shoulders and arms (hello pushups and planks sprinkled in!) and my hamstrings and glutes. High energy and powerful class, broken down one stair (or one choreographical move) at a time.

Jul 05 at 09:36 AM

Glorious sculpt and sweat, with quick pace and changes especially in the beginning to get that sweat. It brought all Signature moves, cardio dance, barre, ball, and mat work. The sprinkling of plank and push ups here and there make it more accessible (so does the pause/rewind button!). Perfect for that summer heat and warmth (doing this in July 2024, but this would feel very warming on a cold day in another season). Great summertime playlist! Very brief weights and not as much releve throughout this class.