
Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /53

Jul 19 at 12:23 PM

Wonderfully easy to follow along with choreography (easy to follow but muscle activation from shoulders to feet). I appreciate Marnie's reminders that different options are not better or worse, simply different. I appreciate how a fairly simple move can become more challenging with slight adjustments. I appreciate the message at the end of the cool-dawn stretches. This was a class Signature class that moves with a nice pace and was over before I realized an hour had passed. This was my Christmas in July class (completed July 19, 2024 as I work on going through the entire M/BODY catalog of classes to explore). 

Commented on M/<20 FLOOR FLOW /391

Jul 18 at 05:25 PM

Incredibly mentally engaging and had me sweating and feeling some serious muscle engagement. Totally all floor (no standing), mostly in variations of being on all fours/tabletop position, occasionally upright on our knees (shoelaces of tops of feet against the ground). I opted for ankle weights (whew!!). While this class shared tips for reducing wrist stress, we are in a lot of weight-bearing-on-wrists moves (great arm muscle work, but be aware if you are healing from a wrist injury). This flow had me on both sides of my mat, so I needed a lot of space around for the glorious leg stretches and movement. I was disappointed to miss this Live, however it was SO HELPFUL to have the playback with pause and rewind. The choreography sequences were a bit more complex for me and I really needed to tune in and focus. "Flow" means we are moving from move to move with intentional pace, but we are not rushing through the movements. A wonderfully "be here now in the present moment" class!


Jul 17 at 02:45 AM

Echoing comments before me- this very brief all standing ballet sculpt and stretch class brings the warmth and sweat, feels strong and graceful, involves one weight at the barre (I used my regular 3 lbs but Marnie used a 5 lb hand weight) and we have one foot on the ball while in relevé. There are no jumps but we pulse. I did this early in the morning and yes it builds energy, although the balletic strength flow could be a great class for anytime including into the evening. No cardio bursts in the normal push, but it is a slow flow burn and it was over long before I was ready for it to be (despite feeling the work in a short class).


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /143

Jul 16 at 07:24 PM

Signature class that brought a lot of stretch and elongation along with the sculpt; arms like wings, legs stretching at the barre behind us from side to side, and lots of great hip tucks and circles. The abs series on the mat felt pilates-inspired and had my muscles shaking. Class is quickly paced and also seemed to go quickly. Moves were not complex, but did require focus. This is (I think?) Katelyn (a M/BODY behind the scenes Queen) first Saturday Live - horray!

Commented on M/<20 AB SCULPT /388

Jul 15 at 06:18 AM

Accessibly short but still sweaty and brings the challenge to the deep core muscles with a fairly quick pace, starting while standing and ending on the floor for plank flow (no push-ups but still shoulder work included), on our sides, and on our backs. No equipment needed (ball mentioned as a modification option when in side plank). A lot of loving messages to our center/stomach/gut to pair with the movement.


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /122

Jul 14 at 12:04 PM

Signature class, full body, with use of the M/ovement ball before the barre series while standing and again as a prop on the mat toward the end. Enjoying the cool down stretches incorporating stretches from the Healing Hips classes. Beautiful message at the end to make room and allow ease for it to come to you.

Jul 14 at 09:23 AM

This class is a perfect introduction to M/BODY platform and a Signature class of classic moves- it was a great way to kick off a Challenge in 2023, so could be a wonderful way to kick off something you’re about to embark upon (new adventures, new job, new move, etc.). The work at a barre was a slow and deep burn of muscular activation.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /390

Jul 13 at 12:17 PM

Favorited! This Signature class brings SWEAT, the (feels so beautiful to move in that way) option during the cardio series of the move where booty-points-back-while-chest-is-lifted-and-one-knee-bends-while-other-leg-stretches-long to then move into a back curtsy lunge (started in last class of #390!). The M/ovement ball is used in between our legs and under one foot at the barre, in between legs for some quick plank/push-up flow, and behind our lower back while on the mat facing upward for core work. We incorporate one hand weight at the barre. The one leg barre series was straight fire… beautiful, beautiful fire! The entire class has helpful form guidance, and a great reminder about exercises and health and what is real verses a sales pitch. It is a total full-body workout in an hour, but time flew by. I don’t know how we can work so hard in an hour and then feel nourished and energized after, must be Marnie Magic that is M/BODY!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /29

Jul 12 at 12:55 PM

Classic Signature 60 minute class, bringing a knee up across our center line in the cardio dance, using the M/ovement ball, wide pulses in releve bringing the shakes to my legs, and a fabulous barre work of our legs, glutes, hips, and core via one leg balance work. The planks and push-up flows are sprinkled in (breaking it into small doses helps it happen!) and some floor work on the mat that felt very pilates inspired. Wonderfully rounded class. My favorite M/BODY move? It's the essence of these classes that promote moving like us and encourage health without shaming size or to change our body to "look better." But the actual "moves" I love so much are flying side jumps and curtsy lunges, tabletop 4s position where we leg lift with a weight behind our knee, and the plank stretches where we bend a knee and land the foot to one side and do a side plank stretch (especially when those are part of the beautiful lyrical flows we start doing in #200s/300s classes).

Jul 11 at 07:54 PM

This meditation reminds me of one of my first visualization/meditation experiences, but infuses the M/BODY mantras that give it a loving home here in the catalog. Perfect for bedtime, but also could be a great re-set when moving from something difficult or stressful. Maybe a tough work day/experience/season and needing to get a hold of your breath and spiraling thoughts to be able to transition to the next part of your day or family roles after work or even to the next breath when it feels heavy, sharp, or squeezed by emotion. Come here first. ❤️
