
Beautiful, thank you!!

Commented on Love ❤️

Sep 28 at 07:36 AM

Jessica!! Reading this gave me goosebumps. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding- just one month away!! And thank you for showing your brothers the continuation of love and care and consistency as you also coped with your own grief and figuring things out with such drastic changes. Your fiancé sounds like a wonderful match as his heart is like yours. ❤️❤️ Wishing you both continued love, support, and partnership!

Replied on HAPPY TUESDAY!!!

Sep 27 at 08:25 PM

Ohhh yay Jessica! I’d love to hear about your exciting stuff if you wanted to share 😊

Commented on Chair dance / 176

Sep 27 at 08:23 PM

Yes!! It’s one of my favorite classes- sassy and fun. That’s so funny you chose it and posted, as I was thinking Sunday night about doing that class again soon (but mostly and slowly still working through the Fam Favs Board). I’m glad you’re feeling better!

Commented on Building Connections

Sep 27 at 08:19 PM

Marisol I am glad you’re here and a part of this space! NC is lucky to have you, and I hope you continue to create some in-person connections and find a few trustworthy and loving friends who see you and appreciate you exactly as you are. I agree that this community is special 💖

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /221

Sep 25 at 07:27 AM

This class provides a lot of form guidance, step by step, of many signature moves. Helpful for new people and helpful corrections/reminders for OGs. Marnie also provides a solid range of options for many moves which is always appreciated. I especially liked the choreo at the barre (one leg *insanity*) and on the floor. Unfotunately I had multiple family interruptions, but I think it I did this without pause it would be sweatier. Thank you for the sweet words! So glad my novellas help at times- I know reading others' comments helps me make a workout selection. Although it's also partly for me to see what I was focusing on the first time and areas for continued focus/progress checks for the next time I do the class. Love all the support available within M/BODY! <3

Sep 24 at 09:32 AM

Re-visited this class as part of the Fam Favs Board, and was happy to see progress from my first comment a few months ago as I could maintain the one-leg work without dropping the foot. This class warmed me up w/ very minimal cardio/jumps. An all-standing class, no weights, just a barre.

Commented on Technical Question

Sep 22 at 11:15 AM

Hi Mayo! Danni or someone from M/BODY could answer this best, but I am not aware of any way to delete/edit comments. We can delete a post we made, but I think that is it. Please know we all make typos, and it blows my mind how many in the #mbodyglobalfam are able to communicate in multiple languages! I hear you with the discomfort of seeing typos we make afterward, but I trust no one is judging each other. ❤️

Replied on My family!!!

Sep 22 at 10:42 AM

Marisol I’m glad your relatives sound like they are also safe, although again the impact of this fear, infrastructure damage, and traumas of natural disaster can be so difficult. Hoping for their best, continued safety, and sending you all strength.

Commented on My family!!!

Sep 22 at 09:46 AM

Ugh, Lizamary. You and your family are so strong, and yet it’s okay to be grateful for physical safety and still not be okay. To be strong and be struggling. I echo the gratitude for their physical safety, but I am keeping them (your family and your husband’s relatives and all of the friends in between) in my heart. I can only try to imagine going through this, after such devastation 5 years ago. Even though embody “estamos bien” you know we are here for you, if you need to vent, think out loud, or just touch in with the shadow sides of being fine and being strong - b/c it’s not sustainable to be okay all of the time. We’re here for you and we see how you are always there for them. ❤️❤️❤️