This is what is feeling good to me lately too! Helping me feel more balanced and strong which keeps me focused longer and keeps my brain/perfectionism from taking over!
Santa Fe, NM, United States
Replied on Hiiiii Global Family 🤗In today's live...
Feb 26 at 08:03 PM
This is what is feeling good to me lately too! Helping me feel more balanced and strong which keeps me focused longer and keeps my brain/perfectionism from taking over!
Commented on M/<30 M/OVEMENT BALL /442
Feb 26 at 07:32 PM
Also, Marnie, I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and I cannot tell you how moved I am and how much I appreciate the space you give to the nervous system, the emotional body and how all of that interacts with our physical reality. It's knowledge that has blown my mind and really changed my healing journey, and it means SO MUCH that that language and knowledge is present and honored in this space I enjoy spending so much time in. THANK YOU
Commented on M/<30 M/OVEMENT BALL /442
Feb 26 at 07:19 PM
Such fun new moves that felt focusing and challenging without a ton of bounce. I REALLY loved the moves on all fours and the lunges on the ball. Delightfully challenging!
Commented on M/<30 SUPER BOWL STANDING SCULPT /258
Feb 18 at 03:28 PM
I don't know how I found the one with the meditative statement that I most needed to hear today, but I did. Thank you, Marnie
Commented on It’s Q+A timeeee!Drop ANY and ALL que...
Feb 18 at 02:41 PM
Two questions! One physical and one more nervous system-based:
We haven't done a class that involves this since January (wish I could remember which class it was that brought this up in Jan!), but whenever we are doing moves that take us from all fours into some kind of shift (one which requires us to turn or rotate on our knee(s) to face in a different direction or to roll it underneath us in some way), how can we not grind on or torque our knees while still doing the move and accessing the challenge?
Any advice for getting to the mat or how to keep showing up when we are in a depressive slump that takes away some of our vitality/motivation, so that it doesn't just feel like going through the motions or working out because it's a "should"?
Thank you so much!!! I so appreciate the opportunity to ask!
Commented on Baby Boy Claridades Update!!Both are ...
Feb 06 at 07:18 AM
They are so so precious, Brittney! I have twin nephews who were also a little early and are a huge joy of my life, so I feel very invested in your little guys! Looks like things are going great!!
Commented on M/<30 BALLET SCULPT + STRETCH /437
Feb 05 at 04:45 PM
These ballet sculpt classes bring up a LOT of perfectionism for me, which I am going to consider an opportunity for some KINDNESS To self. I get distracted by what leg I'm on and how turned out I SHOULD be and if I'm pushing on to the right part of my foot and and and and and. I think it's partly because it brings me back to being 19 in ballet class doing everything I can to hide from my own reflection. So I'll come back to this and all ballet sculpt classes again and again and hopefully I will get better and kinder in the process. I particularly enjoyed the stretch and meditation during this 35ish minute class!
Commented on M/<60 PALENTINES BARRE SWEAT /68
Feb 03 at 03:45 PM
This playlist is wonderful. Lots of arm and core endurance for me today, and it felt fun and joyful. Maybe it was the music, maybe it was Marnie's amazing outfit, but I'm glad I'm here
Commented on M/<20 CORE CONNECTION /435
Jan 30 at 11:49 AM
Touching my stomach is always such an activating gesture, AND I relish opportunities to feel brave enough to feel it and thank it for all the incredible things it does. A beautiful meditation opportunity at the end of this will let you do just that. Fun and challenging without being a TOTAL ass-kicker. To be fair, I still paused. I'm trying to be gentle with myself about doing that more lately. Thank you for this one!
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Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /443
Mar 01 at 04:27 PM
Watching the little shapes of those puppies wiggling around during this workout was so sweet!!! And listening to you talk about them with such love and wonder really gave my heart a boost, Marnie. And, hey, the workout was fun too! A couple of new moves I'm really excited to try again and a very even pace throughout. Got in a good sweat without feeling like I was huffing and puffing.Â