
Replied on Day 6 Part 2

Mar 12 at 02:57 PM

Good for you for getting it done! I had almost a trash bag full and just said “bye girl” as I tossed it.

Replied on Day 6 Part 2

Mar 11 at 11:14 AM

👀 I clearly haven’t been through the medicines in years- we used to travel a lot (for pleasure and my husband for work).

Mar 11 at 09:06 AM

Felt the burn, but also felt so beautiful with the graceful ballet infused moves.


Mar 10 at 08:13 PM

Commented on Progress!!

Mar 10 at 07:25 PM

Ohh I like your comparison to the roots in spring- beautiful analogy 🌱

Commented on M/<20 FLOOR CORE /117

Mar 10 at 07:19 PM

Short and yet surprisingly several challenging moments- thank you!

Commented on Day 5

Mar 10 at 04:44 AM

Same! Those clumsy moments make me a little glad I’m doing it from home (which then reminds me to have more grace for the process and not expect perfection from myself whether others are on point with the choreography or not). You’re doing great!!


Mar 10 at 04:42 AM

Living on the east coast, Wednesday Lives are 1pm for me. I’m lucky to WFH on Wednesdays so I can exercise at that time, whereas many other work days I exercise at night. It makes such an impact on raising my energy with my afternoon/evening clients after having a workout and feeling the energy of Marnie’s instruction and knowing so many others are doing the same in real time (or watching from work and engaging in that way). I was aware of that all yesterday and enjoyed it! Exercising at night can make sleep initiation harder, yet it’s easier for me to stay up later than awake earlier to get it in first thing in the morning. Thank you all for the energy boost to not only keep on going during workouts but for that lingering effect for the rest of the day. Will be going through the medicines/supplements later on to clear out expired items for Day #6!

Commented on Community love ❤

Mar 09 at 07:39 PM

You are most definitely in the right place! I’m glad you’re here - and I feel you in signing up for the challenge assuming I was doing it solo, only to recognize we are doing this for ourselves (our own well-being) but we are not alone. 🧡

Mar 09 at 04:16 PM

Happy almost birthday!! I also appreciate the energy of the community - it’s a very cool space here. What a fantastic way to end one year and enter a new one during the challenge 🎂🥳