Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Apr 28 at 05:36 AM

Beauties!! The artwork is a whole vibe by the way!


Apr 26 at 12:32 PM

Beautiful and glorious!! 


Apr 22 at 11:14 AM

I loved this class so much!! The playlist was awesome!! 


Apr 19 at 10:50 AM

This class is the one where I have experienced significant growth muscularly and with form. I remember when I couldn't get through the last sets wide second plie, lots of stopping during the class-  I was growing in strength and coordination. With practice, failing, patience and grace comes success. I did it! And I am proud of that. 

Apr 16 at 08:34 AM

Again, I am unafraid to be myself... Great energizing workout!  It goes so quick leaving me wanting more. 

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /251

Apr 15 at 07:40 AM

Incredible 💕 

Apr 13 at 05:52 PM

Roni Gillenson always, always!! Looking forward to the challenge with everyone! It's gonna be awesome! And cheers to customization!

Apr 13 at 11:39 AM

Hey Roni! I typically skip on the lemon water for those reasons, plus I've had unusual cramping before with that much water first thing. I don't really know of any other solutions at the moments. I've built confidence where listening to my body and trusting my intuition holds value regardless what others are doing or saying. Continue to do what's right for you!

Apr 13 at 11:19 AM

Absolutely magical ✨️

Commented on M/<20 CARDIO CORE /367

Apr 11 at 08:14 AM

I enjoyed this class so much! It was refreshing and new. I loved the playlist too! It's so beautiful closing with the acknowledgement of the Solar Eclipse as well. It's been a phenomenal week to say the least. Thank you!!