Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States


Sep 14 at 10:03 AM

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Hey hey G-Fam!! So excited to share that I'm trying out the Artichoke Recipe from the M/BODY newsletter a couple weeks ago. I've forgotten how much I love artichokes and this was an awesome reminder. I love the creativity of the recipes in the newsletter. Thanks Marnie and the M/BODY team.
Plus, I've invested in a Juicer! So pumped to make the celery juice instead of blending it. This was the inspiration I've needed moving into the upcoming Autumn season. I love it! ❤️ let me know of your fav juice recipes. I love beets and turmeric, and I love to try to new varieties! Wishing you all a creative and inspired Autumn coming up. Cheers !



Sep 08 at 07:00 PM

Saving grace: M/BODY has been a constant in my life for 2 and half years. It has brought joy into my life that makes my heart smile. ❤️ I recognize that through the trauma I have experienced I get scared to be vulnerable at times and I get lost in waves of fear, I am sorry for that. It's still odd to me connecting virtually and yet I still feel a connection with you all. Maybe because our hearts know no bounds. I get scared I'll be judge based on what has happened to me when I desire to be loved for what my heart is made of and not what I've been through. And when I'm dancing, the fear and bad things cease to exist and only love is present. Everything makes sense being in the moment while dancing and playing. For all who has had their hearts pierced with pain, grief, and loss you are not forgotten ❤️ This work has reminded me of that. This work has reminded me that I can let go of the shame I've carried & I can soften, I can learn to forgive, and that there is so much joy to be had even in the midst of our sufferings. M/BODY has helped me do this through physically moving my body daily, by allowing me to soften and listen to the depth of my heart. And you all have accepted me with such love and grace even at times when I couldn't accept myself. ✨️ It's a gift I'll always appreciate and keep in my heart. Thank you. It's absolutely beautiful. In my heart, M/BODY embodies grace and beauty. I love you. Thank you for listening.



May 15 at 04:57 AM

Congrats everyone!! Cheers!!
24/30 - Coming from a head space of, "I have to prove myself and do it all," revealed my insecurity. A part of me thinks I'm not good enough and it's a lie. Every challenge I've completed, I did it all. This time I challenged myself to slow down and be with those thoughts and feelings and to nurture them, instead of work harder. More work didn't bring me fulfillment, it was acceptance of who I am truly. It was love ❤️
"Be who you are, and do it well"



Apr 08 at 05:44 PM

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Solar Eclispe from Buffalo NY

Hey fam!! Here are some pics of the Solar Eclispe today from my backyard. It was so awesome even though it was cloudy! Was anyone else in the path of totality?? 

Lots of Love,

Jessi ❤️ 



Mar 10 at 08:27 PM


Hey G-fam. It feels uneasy to ask for support and some love ❤️ I still have old messages in my mind that I have to be tough, hard, and independent when things feel overwhelming but truly, madly, and deeply I love being soft and gentle along with connecting with others. I need some kindness and a warm embrace in this moment. ✨️ I have my period and it's been a whirlwind of emotions and anxiety, plus it's still snowy in Buffalo with constant overcast and I've been going through it. Lots of old painful memories coming up and since I've hit 30 yrs old new connections and perspectives on my life have been showing up. As awesome as it is & with opportunities to heal old wounds, it's frigging overwhelming and scary in some moments. I need to feel and know I'm not alone. My mom is passed on & my sister and I are not close, so I don't have many women in my real life that I can rely on and trust. So, I could really use some kind words please. Thank you and so much love to you all! ❤️ 



Feb 12 at 09:45 AM

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"Love is a place
and through this place of love
move (with brightness of peace) all places."

E.E Cummings 

It's incredible to witness so many hearts in nature. Happy Valentines week. M/BDOY G-Fam will you be my PALentine??!  💚 And remember, in a world constantly trying to tell you who to be or who not to be, YOU define what love means to you. You decide what love looks like and how you'd like to express it. So keep it real this Valentines day 💝 

xoxo Jessi 



Jan 17 at 05:50 AM

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Our view for today's LIVE. 😍 Piper loves the snow. The silence of the snow fall I find to be comforting & beautiful ❄️ How grateful I am to experience something as delightful. ✨️ See ya'll at the LIVE today G/Fam 



Jan 11 at 12:20 PM


The word renew can mean to make like new or to restore what's been worn out. It can also mean resuming after a pause or break. Even more so, the word renewal can be defined as, "changing into something new and different, something better." 

When I first joined M/BODY in February of 2022, right after the Superbowl, I remember simply falling in love with this work. I just felt like it spoke to me- an instant connection. I was so excited and full of vibrancy day, after day. It was the coolest to meet others who loved celery and lemon juice too. To attend Q and A's feel so much love and support from women I've never met in person but felt very comfortable around. And to be cheerleaders for others makes my heart soar! It's something my soul will always cherish.  

Therefore, after a year filled with hardships, that I had to pause M/BODY for a bit, I am renewing my love for learning in this space. Going back to that phenomenal  February 2022, that made me even more so in love with dance, movement, and music, I am renewing that feeling and allowing it to grow into something new and different, and something better. 

Thank you M/BODY G-Fam and to the team especially, for the space to be honest, raw, and messy and yet still feeling beautiful in the midst of it. 



Jan 01 at 12:08 PM

Happy New Year G-Fam!! Wishing you all the best this 2024! 

Last year was a demanding year for me personally. It left me feeling insecure, frustrated, and I just didn't feel like myself. 😩 Therefore, in the spirit of joy and re-focus, along with learning from the hard lessons, I'm giving myself the grace to begin again embodying (M/BODY pun) who I am at the heart of it all. 💕

Cheers to a fresh start and the beauty of a new year! 🎉

Love you all! 

xoxo- Jessi 🪷



Aug 29 at 04:41 PM

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Hey hey! I've missed you all so much! I spent the weekend in Adirondacks for my brother- in laws wedding. We all had such a great time. I brought the app with me on the road and did some workouts in our hotel room. It was so awesome to bring the M/BODY app along. So grateful. I hope you all are well.