Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Jun 22 at 03:29 PM

Yes, I love the options and flexibility of the challenge too. Great perspective Nicole and an excellent tip to rearrange a workout to fit your needs on that day. 

Jun 22 at 03:28 PM

Exactly! I'm so glad I'm not alone here Megan. Thanks love!


Jun 21 at 10:48 AM

Hey fam! How is it going so far? 

Today, it was so challenging for me to stay on the mat that I attempted today's class twice and it was the second time around that I completed the entire workout from start to finish. 

Learning to ride the wave has been my biggest takeaway from participating in these challenges; some days the motivation is there and everything feels spot on, while some days you have to practice discipline and give yourself grace. Knowing that motivation comes and goes has strengthened my will to practice daily and keep the spirit of play alive. (Embracing the "I get to") That keeps me showing up/coming back lol  Therefore, today was bit messy, my movement wasn't sharp and at times I was chasing the choreo and that's alright in my book. 

I hope you are all doing well! And if you are having any difficulties, I hear yah! We're in this together. 

What ways do you keep yourself discipline and on track when the motivation seems far way? I'd love to hear what you have to say! 


Commented on Hello again! 🌷

Jun 21 at 10:27 AM

These are wonderful Jocelyn- Happy to see you are back! Happy Challenge. 

Commented on Let's Go!

Jun 21 at 10:26 AM

You are right on time Lori! <3 

Jun 19 at 12:10 PM

Awesome Kristina! Happy Summer Challenge and I hope you have a wonderful summer as well. 

Jun 19 at 12:09 PM

This is great Annie! Happy Challenge! 


Jun 19 at 12:09 PM

Totally feeling this. All of this is incredible! Cheering you on Heather- I know you got this! 

Commented on Goals!

Jun 19 at 12:07 PM

You have my support Megan- These are great goals!

Commented on Summer challenge

Jun 19 at 12:06 PM

Beautiful Chantale!!