August 16, 2023

Just popping on the board to say congrats and hello to the challenge completers out there! It has been a long time since I’ve been active in the community and I have missed it immensely!
You did it! I will catch you for the next one, but first, I wanna celebrate with you! 💚🥂💜

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August 16, 2023

So good to see you Jamie 💕 💖 thanks love! cheers !

August 16, 2023

Always love seeing you on here 🤗❤️

August 16, 2023

Hi Jaime!! Thank you and happy to see your face 🥰

August 16, 2023
Jaimie! I love this selfie with you and Marnie. Thank you for always cheering for the fam.
August 18, 2023
Hiiiii Jaime!!!! Love seeing your gorgeous face 🥰