Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Sep 08 at 07:03 PM

Congratulations on your 7 th tour Faith!! That's incredible. And I just checked out the playlist! I'll be listening on my morning walk tomorrow. Thank you. And thank you for sharing and honoring your gifts. ❤️ love you lots!


Sep 08 at 07:00 PM

Saving grace: M/BODY has been a constant in my life for 2 and half years. It has brought joy into my life that makes my heart smile. ❤️ I recognize that through the trauma I have experienced I get scared to be vulnerable at times and I get lost in waves of fear, I am sorry for that. It's still odd to me connecting virtually and yet I still feel a connection with you all. Maybe because our hearts know no bounds. I get scared I'll be judge based on what has happened to me when I desire to be loved for what my heart is made of and not what I've been through. And when I'm dancing, the fear and bad things cease to exist and only love is present. Everything makes sense being in the moment while dancing and playing. For all who has had their hearts pierced with pain, grief, and loss you are not forgotten ❤️ This work has reminded me of that. This work has reminded me that I can let go of the shame I've carried & I can soften, I can learn to forgive, and that there is so much joy to be had even in the midst of our sufferings. M/BODY has helped me do this through physically moving my body daily, by allowing me to soften and listen to the depth of my heart. And you all have accepted me with such love and grace even at times when I couldn't accept myself. ✨️ It's a gift I'll always appreciate and keep in my heart. Thank you. It's absolutely beautiful. In my heart, M/BODY embodies grace and beauty. I love you. Thank you for listening.


Sep 06 at 11:43 PM

Megan- the gaze in which your daughter is giving you melts my heart. ❤️ It's absolutely beautiful. cheers to you momma for hitting the mat first thing!

Sep 06 at 11:40 PM

Mayo! I love your post here! This is so cool and inspiring. Thank you for sharing!!


Sep 06 at 11:39 PM

Hi Lauren!! Happy 5th Marniversary to you- that's incredible! Lots of love!


Commented on M/<45 SLOW SCULPT /402

Aug 26 at 08:43 AM

Another instant fav! Amazing slow sculpt! I love the addition of slow sculpts into the curriculum. Thank you! I totally needed to hear closing meditation, it was right on time. Again, very beautiful class!  


Aug 21 at 10:48 AM

I love the Signature 60's as well!! I do them almost daily!! Yes, Keep the 60 mins coming along :) 


Jun 26 at 10:34 AM

The best beauty secret I've been given is, the only beauty worthwhile is the beauty of the soul. 

Also, I'd like to add (in regards to last part about women) “The women's liberation movement has made many positive strides toward building a society where you can truly be yourselves, yet the work remains incomplete. I am afraid our culture has lost touch with what really matters. It has become overly concerned with efficiency and productivity, and too often, humans are valued for what they can do, how they look, or how useful they are deemed to be. What is needed is a prophetic voice to call the world back to a priority of love, which never reduces the person to an object. You, by virtue of your womanhood, have this special gift - this disposition that carries the potential to soften and humanize the world with love - to which I have given the name the "feminine genius." -JPII 

Never forget true love. Love is not a feeling, rather a choice. Love is willing the good of the other. 

Jun 18 at 12:08 PM

Hey Linnea! Best birthday wishes to yah!

Even though I am not 40, I feel the narcissistic ads that target women plague us at all ages. I've considered fillers, implants, injections, and insert the latest anti-aging cream that promises health and happiness will been found when buy this product. It's all lies. And the truth is, beauty is in how much love ❤️ the kindness and love we show to ourselves and to others. Happiness is found through fulfillment of our own unique calling. ✨️ And Freedom is won when we realize the truth... the truth of our excellence and who we are deep within our soul. The social media feeds that tuck on our vanity are ill minded and purely hurtful. We are more than our looks. Be who you are and be who you are well. Exercise because it's joyful. Eat well for both body and soul. And Love, truly love others. ❤️ that is truly ageless.


Jun 18 at 11:53 AM

So excited for our Q &A tomorrow!

I have a question on movement-what is the science behind the muscle stimuli for our workouts...for example, when are we engaging in concentric, eccentric, and/or iso mentric movements.

Is M/BODY good for muscle growth (hypertrophy) or maintaince, or both? Looking to build muscle and get stronger through all stages of my life as a woman. Curious about the science behind M/BODY.

Thank you 💛