
Jun 19 at 06:18 AM

Just did this morning, and loved it! Sweat was pouring out, and like others already mentioned, I really enjoyed Marnie's corrections for people in the room because it helped me as well!

Jun 18 at 08:24 AM

So excited to do this tomorrow!
Congratulations Anja!! I’m so proud of you and sending you love for your new adventure!

May 26 at 08:31 AM

Could not agree with you more Monique! My glutes were on fire, and I also couldn't believe how sweaty I got!! Loved this class!


May 20 at 07:29 AM

Happy Friday everyone! Just had to share a few things I’ve been thinking about as a result of the Cinco de Mayo class I finally did yesterday.

1.	I recently came out of Covid. It lasted for longer than I expected, which meant I allowed my body time to heal and didn’t exercise for a little less than 2 weeks. I eased my way back on Sunday, and I was sore from classes that I wouldn’t normally be sore from! At first, I was frustrated. But then, in light of the thread on this board started so bravely by Nicole, instead of getting mad at myself for going backward and losing muscle, I changed my thought process: time away allowed me to appreciate how strong I was just a few weeks ago near the end of the challenge! Wow!! Like Marnie says, it’s all about meeting ourselves where we’re at, and being the observer/feeler not the judge. Truly loving my time back on the mat - a little time away gave me perspective and allowed me space to realize how much I love and treasure M/Body. Cannot wait to meet some of you IRL in NYC!! Sending love!  

2.	I thought of Liza Mary when doing the class - was channeling her dancing and loving every song!!

Commented on /143 journal prompt

May 17 at 07:32 AM

I love this Melissa. Thank you for sharing and for the wondeful reminder ❤️ I too treasure her words at the end of each class and love the idea of using them as journal prompts! Happy Tuesday!!

May 04 at 01:57 PM

Yes!! Congrats Jaimie! So proud of you for showing up for yourself on the mat!!


May 03 at 02:14 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

I woke up not feeling great, so I’m sad to report that I didn’t complete all 60 days yet, but I’m listening to my body and am looking forward to doing the microball class and last 60 minute class when I’m on the mend.

With that being said, I’m so grateful for this community and last 60 days. I feel stronger and more in tune with my body. While my body has changed, my mental toughness and awareness have evolved more than anything. Marine’s reverences always seem to meet me right where I am, and I could not be more thankful. I’m learning to meet my body where it’s at, change the negative thought processes, and be the observer, not the judge. Although this challenge is over, looking forward to sculpting, sweating & stretching in the months to come!


Apr 30 at 09:19 AM

One of my all time favorite classes! It works everything so beautifully and my back left feeling strong and powerful. Will be coming back to it again and again!

Replied on Change of Goals!

Apr 19 at 02:16 PM

Monique I was reading the responses and your sentence about goals shifting as our journey progresses really struck a chord! I’m also trying to work more on listening to my body and the quiet wisdom it holds when I slow down and actually pay attention. Thank you for sharing those words. ❤️