
Sep 11 at 12:51 AM

Been thinking about this and I think I’ve settled on what balance means to me this month: A balance of surrendering society’s expectations and those I’ve put on myself and making the effort to be radically honest with myself about what I want/what will bring me joy and open to possibility.

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /290

Aug 22 at 05:57 AM

I think this might be one of my favorites. As Dani said, it is the kind of class I can come back to again and again. Marnie's comments about really tuning into your body sunk in during this flow. I reconnected with my body and with its relationship to gravity. Great core work and also interlaced flexibility. Thank you Marnie & M Body Team!

Commented on M/BODY Fam Meet Up!

Aug 01 at 06:06 AM

This brings me so much joy!! Love these fam meetups!!

Aug 01 at 06:06 AM

I love this!! Actually just happened to me this morning doing an arm workout, and it came at just the right time - arms did not drop 💪🏻

Commented on 5 great things!

Jul 25 at 09:17 AM

Love these Kady!!

Commented on post was deleted

Jun 18 at 05:50 AM

Happy Birthday!! And what a gorgeous cake!! 😍😍

Jun 18 at 05:50 AM

Congrats on the solo travel Kristina!! I took my first solo trip earlier this year as well - definitely put me out of my comfort zone, buf so glad to hear it went well!

May 13 at 10:11 AM

Anja thank you for sharing this ❤️ Cannot imagine how scary it must have been and so glad you emerged virtually unscathed. Incredibly grateful that you shared these important words and reminders.

Apr 28 at 09:38 AM

Thank you Jessica! I’ve been to London a few times, but am looking forward to being back!


Apr 26 at 01:26 PM

Hello hello fam! Super random, but I’m heading to London next weekend on what will be a solo trip for the coronation. I was wondering if anyone (either local or international) will be there? Would love to meet some of the fam if anyone has time!