Lenora McNamara

Mar 14 at 11:15 AM

Really enjoyed doing this before hitting the road back home all day tomorrow - my hips surely appreciate it!

Jan 13 at 03:59 PM

Lindsey J yep I pretty much have to be wearing shorts for it to work (even with the mini)

Jan 13 at 04:03 AM

Nice! I always seem to have issues with balls falling out 😆

Jan 10 at 01:46 PM

Wow, I just did this one for the first time and was incredibly challenged (and inspired to revisit!)

Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /398

Oct 22 at 02:52 PM

I'm learning I really love a 45 minute signature. What a great class full of beautiful intervals!

Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /397

Sep 20 at 04:37 PM

Fun class and playlist! And yes Monique the arms departed for the afterlife :)

Jul 30 at 03:12 PM

Ditto this - I think extra endorphins were released with the Celine stretch!


Jun 25 at 01:18 PM

This class is everything! High energy dance cardio, firey glutes at the barre, brain-activating floor work, great playlist and messages throughout 💜



May 15 at 07:21 AM

Feeling great about accomplishing 28 times at the mat + wellness activities! Thank you for all the inspiration- this is normally a busy time of year I would shy away from "extra" commitment, but it's been so mentally and physically helpful making it almost to the end of the school year :)


May 14 at 03:58 AM

East coast OR LA while my family visits in July 😍