Miranda M


Mar 08 at 01:36 PM

My biggest challenge is going to be not working when I am on my vacation next week. I am very very bad at unplugging.

I also started Noom to get my nutrition on track. I stress ate and worked my whole way through the pandemic. I am 22 pounds down and getting my life back and owe so much of this to M/body.

Happy International Women’s Day to all of you! I am pushing myself by doing a 60 minute workout on a Tuesday night! We’ve got this :)


Commented on Day 3 coming in hot

Mar 07 at 08:44 PM

I also loved today’s workout! So much fun and the release at the end was perfect.

Mar 07 at 08:40 PM

This brought me so much joy! I could do those weighted punches all day (well maybe not). Adding to faves!!

Commented on IG names?

Mar 07 at 04:52 PM

@mirandlebars. Will add you. Nice to meet you!

Replied on Day 2

Mar 06 at 09:11 PM

I did it! Also agree with Marnie - you are glowing ☀️

Commented on Day 2

Mar 06 at 04:41 PM

Trying really hard to muster up the energy after going for a two hour bike ride/park date with my daughter. It was such a glorious day here. My hair smells like sunshine.

Commented on New to Challenge

Mar 05 at 08:38 PM

Baby number four and back on the mat after a month - you are superwoman! This is my first challenge too!

Commented on Workout mat

Mar 05 at 04:56 PM

I am also i terested to know this!

Replied on Amazing!

Mar 05 at 07:14 AM

You can do it! I haven’t had it for 7 years. No one even noticed I left and I haven’t looked back!

Commented on Amazing!

Mar 04 at 10:57 PM

Same! Hi Lyndsay!