Emily Parker

Oct 21 at 03:36 PM

How is recovery going?


Replied on Scoliosis…

Oct 20 at 07:33 PM

Yes to developing tools and mobility!

Replied on Scoliosis…

Oct 20 at 07:32 PM

And you are right. I’m glad to have the diagnosis. It helps.

Replied on Scoliosis…

Oct 20 at 06:59 PM

Thank you, Jess!

Replied on Scoliosis…

Oct 20 at 06:58 PM

Thank you, Faith. Great info. I’m so glad your back was not badly hurt in the accident.


Oct 20 at 07:04 AM

I’ve been going back and forth about posting this or not. Ultimately I decided I need support, hence here I am. My back has been bothering me off and on for years. It has come to a head recently (always flares after I’ve been away from the mat due to illness, travel,etc. - this time I got injured doing yard work). Anyway, I’ve officially been diagnosed with scoliosis. I’m in physical therapy and trying to learn what is safe and best for me to maintain my function and strength as much as possible as I age. If any of you have any insights or experiences with scoliosis I’d love to hear them. I’m doing better and able to do 30 minute classes again with modifications. Glad we are all on the journey together. Happy Italy retreat to those who are there! Lifting all of you up! ❤️


Oct 20 at 05:15 AM

Thinking of you today. ❤️


Oct 18 at 11:24 AM

Yay for being back!

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /1

Oct 18 at 03:08 AM

This is a great one to come back to after about a month away from the mat.  My body is glad for this movement.  Thank you!

Oct 14 at 08:14 AM

Hope you feel better soon!
