Emily Parker


Dec 16 at 04:03 PM

Hello Lovely Fam - I’m sad to say that I’ve been seeing doctors regarding my back, and they’ve discovered that in addition to the scoliosis I have three herniated discs - they’ve instructed me to do only physical therapy prescribed exercises, swimming and walking for the next 18 months to two years to allow for full healing and hopefully avoid surgery. So, no M/BODY for a long while. I’m really working hard to not have a flare up - it’s been 7 weeks so far with no problems (very good compared to recent trends for me). Only 93 more weeks to go! Anyway, I’ll be checking back in once I get the okay from the doctors - hope M/BODY is still going strong in 2 years! Love and light to all of you!



Oct 20 at 07:04 AM

I’ve been going back and forth about posting this or not. Ultimately I decided I need support, hence here I am. My back has been bothering me off and on for years. It has come to a head recently (always flares after I’ve been away from the mat due to illness, travel,etc. - this time I got injured doing yard work). Anyway, I’ve officially been diagnosed with scoliosis. I’m in physical therapy and trying to learn what is safe and best for me to maintain my function and strength as much as possible as I age. If any of you have any insights or experiences with scoliosis I’d love to hear them. I’m doing better and able to do 30 minute classes again with modifications. Glad we are all on the journey together. Happy Italy retreat to those who are there! Lifting all of you up! ❤️



Jul 30 at 07:15 AM

Had a lovely walk and chat with Jessica B today! So thankful to meet her, and to be part of this amazing community. ❤️



Jun 19 at 04:55 AM

Catching up! Happy Monday, Fam!



May 25 at 02:12 PM

Hi Fam - I have knee arthritis and it’s flaring. The squats in wide second tend to aggravate it. Does anyone happen to have tips on classes with less wide second? I’ll be browsing on my own in the mean time. Thanks!



Apr 20 at 05:55 AM

Thanks, Heidi Jones for posting the note about kindness to our bodies.

It made me think of this quote and image. The artist TangerineCatt created it.

Love and support to you all.



Apr 15 at 09:35 AM

I’ll miss sweating with you all today. I’m headed to an IRL ballet class though! As you can see I’ll be representing with the tote bag. 🙂

Have fun today and wish me luck with actual ballet! 😝



Apr 01 at 12:48 PM

Sharing that for the first time in my life I was able to hook my “peace fingers” around my big toes during the wide straddle stretch today! When I started M/BODY a year and a half ago I could barely make more than a ninety degree angle with my legs - what a difference this work has made. I feel SO much better in body, mind and spirit now. 🙂



Mar 16 at 10:37 AM

I took this photo last April because this little plant reminded me of the affirmation Marnie shared back then and again today. 🙂



Jan 30 at 08:46 AM

Sending strength, love and peace to you all.