Lindsey J

Jan 01 at 06:54 AM

Hehe, thank you, I sure am!

How could I not?! You’ve met our dear Molly Mandell, she’s a gem 🥰

Jan 01 at 06:53 AM

Costanza I thought I had remembered that she suggested it to you and knew you’d love it! We all have similar tastes in classes for sure 😊


Jan 01 at 06:46 AM

Of course sweet friend!! I had to, hehe. Love you!!

Jan 01 at 06:45 AM



Jan 01 at 06:45 AM

You will LOVE these 2 signature classes! They are extra special and strength building in the best ways!

Jan 01 at 05:42 AM

Oh my gosh, this is the best resolution ever! I read something recently that reworded resolution to “practice”. I am also going to practice being less serious and let myself be silly!

Also, is this Ila of the low impact rolling sautés?! I bow to you namesake 🙏


Dec 31 at 05:39 AM

Molly’s Birthday Mini Challenge!!
Hi fam! Our dearest Molly Mandell is celebrating her birthday this week and we must must MUST throw some love and light her way. She is such a loving, dedicated, energetic, compassionate, loyal person and I am so thankful to know her.
And what better way to celebrate her than with one of her favorite classes?!
The challenge if you’d like to join, is to pick one of these classes to complete this week - Pride Sig 289, Cardio Dance 240, or Women’s History Sig 74. If that isn’t where you’re at energy wise (Molly has energy for days!) then throw in a couple in and out Molly jumps in her honor throughout your day. It will bring you joy much like she does.
Love you Moll!!


Dec 30 at 01:35 PM

You’ve got this Jenny Groener !! You will love every theme class even if they are completed later than you expected xxoo

Dec 20 at 08:56 PM

Emily Parker always! Now get back on IG!! 😘

Dec 20 at 03:35 PM

9am, it translates to 12pm here and I can sneak desk crew from work on my lunch break
