This is such a unique, effective, and strengthening class! I loved the new choreo and the use of the prop meant extra brain work. I love the distraction this brings from the physical and mental endurance; distraction with a purpose like only M/BODY can bring. (Thank you for sneaking that second inner thigh leg lift series into the catalog, and so seamlessly!)
Commented on Integrating the chair more? 😍
Oct 08 at 04:39 AM
I am always a fan of props!! The brain work required combined with the physical work helps me with endurance, adds mental challenge of accepting learning and letting go of perfection (how do we know how to do something if we’ve never done it before? #Marniewisdom), and for me adds fun, which is something I am working to allow and seek.
So short answer, yes!! (Do I know how to do a short answer?! 😆)