February 06, 2024

Early M/Body G/Fam birds - what’s your tips for excercising early in the morning?
I need your help you lovely lot! I’ve always been a night owl (this didn’t change when my baby girl came along 🤣🙈) and an evening workout after work/once little girl’s in bed and before dinner has been my little routine and I’ve loved it! However,now that Lily goes to bed later (7.-7.30pm),doing a “Marnie” (as we call it on our household💗) before making dinner will result in a very late cooking session and sitting down for a meal and I feel we don’t have much of an evening left. So I’ve decided something’s gotta give! My husband and I we both decided to workout early in the morning instead! I’m on week 3-trying to get up at 5.30 am as I’m on the mat by 6 am at the latest! It’s surprisingly not as difficult as I thought but I feel I’m a bit more weak in the morning. Are there many fam members out there who are on a similar routine? Do you eat before an early morning excercise? What are you fave classes to do? I also don’t feel like a lot of bounce and mainly have been focusing on shorter classes but maybe it’s something my body will get used to! Any tips would be welcome!💗Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post!lots of love xxxx