Cass Pfender

Saint Paul, MN, United States

Commented on post was deleted

Aug 01 at 08:30 PM

Quill!! Soo sweet!!

Commented on M/BODY Fam Meet Up!

Aug 01 at 08:23 PM

This makes me SO happy!! Sending love to you both!!❤️❤️

Commented on What each day brings

Jun 28 at 09:16 PM

Oh Lisa, I’m so so sorry to hear this. What a gift he was to you and so many in your community. I dearly wish the Rainbow Bridge had visiting hours. Sending you and sweet Remington my love.

Jun 05 at 09:37 PM

This is so fantastic! Love you so much Sha!! ❤️❤️

May 27 at 10:07 AM

About to start this one! I haven’t done it in forever. Thanks for the recommendation!! xo

May 26 at 02:46 PM

Yes!! Totally agree about the 60 Bey class - I have come back to that one again and again!

May 26 at 02:42 PM

I did 124, 45 min full body sweat, today and the only wide second was during weights, so could easily be modified. Lots of no-impact options provided and a good time spent on the floor during the second half. Happy Friday!❤️

Commented on Back on the mat

May 14 at 05:29 PM

Welcome back, Rachel!! I’m so glad you took the time you needed and returned when it was right. ❤️ I started the 28 Day Self-Love Challenge after recovering from Covid and it really met me where I was at.


May 09 at 06:32 PM

Upper body strength has never been a, uh, strength of mine, so when I arrived in this wonderful community during deep lockdown and resorted to soup cans (ok ok, tomato paste cans), I was able to tell myself I was starting at a reasonable place given the circumstances. Some time later (we don’t need to get into specifics), I moved from my 8oz pasties to whopping 14.5oz diced tomatoes. That’s right. Don’t be intimidated - you too can have a vegetable-based workout. Today, almost half way through my third year as an M/Body subscriber I finally took the plunge and treated myself to real, big girl weights! Not quite sure how to feel about being able to fit my hand all the way around my weights, but know for sure I’ll be missing the familiar sloshing sound during those straight-arm shakes at the end of weight sections! 😂

🤣I love this SO much!!!