Cass Pfender

Saint Paul, MN, United States


Dec 16 at 09:27 PM

I did my first 60-day M/Body challenge in spring 2021. Before that the idea of working out every day, of that level of physical activity, of carving out that time just for me every single day was literally beyond anything I had even considered. But Marnie and this amazing fam put it out there and I gave it a shot. I finished 60 out of 60 and changed in ways both physically and emotionally that I had honestly given up on. I’ve gratefully participated in every challenge since and I managed to do 59 out of 60 this time! Having this place to come to each day has been really therapeutic during one of the most difficult times in my life and I am so thankful for the daily release and mantras that have literally reshaped my life. ❤️


Commented on Mantra

Dec 11 at 08:30 PM

So well said sweet friend!! ❤️

Commented on My New Dance Space!

Dec 11 at 08:24 PM

Oh Emily, this is so great! Congratulations on your new space!! Speaking from experience, it is so nice being able to focus solely on the moves without avoiding run ins with furniture - enjoy!! ❤️

Commented on Vacation in wales!

Nov 26 at 10:04 PM

So fantastic!! I hope you’re having a wonderful time!! ❤️

Commented on Henry loves Marnie

Nov 07 at 08:12 PM

❤️so adorable!!

Nov 07 at 08:05 PM

Yay happy anniversary!! Also I love this picture!! So sweet!!

Commented on Halloween Fun

Nov 01 at 11:50 AM

You guys look so great!! So glad the kiddos had such a fun evening!! ❤️ (and you’re not the only mama around here who had too much candy last night! 😂)


Nov 01 at 11:46 AM

M/Body minis Cassidy and Freyja pounded out an entire mile of trick-or-treating last night and we were talking about how lucky it is that we’ve been “doing our Marnies” so they were strong enough to carry their heavy candy bags! 😂 Hope all our M/ini friends and fam had a wonderful Halloween!! ❤️


Nov 01 at 11:40 AM

Oh Jessi, you look SOOO beautiful!! A union between two people whose love and friendship has stood the test of time. 💗 My heart is so full thinking of you!! Huge congratulations!!! xoxo

Commented on Class Requests

Nov 01 at 09:53 AM

I have been wishing and hoping for a LIZZO class!! Looove ballet sculpt classes - the meditative, slow burn + red light feels so good against a winter wonderland backdrop (hello from Minnesnowta!). Any chance we could work some Radiohead into a few playlists?? Idioteque has a great beat (rave-style sweat anyone? lol) and True Love Waits would be lovely during like a mid-workout barre stretch! And definitely agree with others that one of Marnie's soul-healing meditations closing out 2022 and starting 2023 is at the very top of my wish list!