Molly Gregory

Brooklyn, NY, United States

Oct 09 at 03:24 PM

I have a love-hate with chair dance workouts. Safety for me is #1 when working out, so I can sometimes be a little hesitant or anxious when trying a semi-unfamiliar tool. This chair dance was challenging in a good way, both mentally and physically--I'm still sore!--but I do wish that some aspects of it had been slowed/broken down a little more so I felt more confident/comfortable throughout. I would love a foundational chair class in the future: something that breaks down moves in a step-by-step way that we'll incorporate and build upon in future chair classes, if they become more frequent. I don't know if chair classes will ever be something I'll want to do all the time, but it is fun to see the new challenges that can come from a new tool! And future classes will allow me to see which of my home chairs work best, too :)


Sep 25 at 03:28 PM

To be honest, the 60 will always be my fave: not only because it’s the most “holistic” workout, but also because it feels the most balanced in terms of pacing (I usually prefer endurance to sprints 😊). That said the 45 minutes are a close second—I love the slightly faster, more playful energy they have—and I do 30s on weekdays almost exclusively because that’s all I have time for. I like the balance the platform currently has!


Sep 25 at 03:25 PM

I usually use a windows dell laptop, but I also sometimes use a MacBook Air and my iPhone. If I don’t use the app, I always use a chrome browser!


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /313

Sep 04 at 12:58 PM

Such a great (and dare I say, balanced?) class. Really strong but also really approachable. A good one for when you're seeking simple, foundational movement that's meditative--but still challenging!--from start to finish.

Commented on Goddess

Aug 15 at 05:53 PM

Congrats, Becca!! What a cool moment 😍



Aug 15 at 02:38 PM

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Thrilled to say that this is the first EVER M/Body challenge where I’ve hit my original goal within the challenge period (woohoo!). I completed 45 workouts (something I didn’t think I would hit because I didn’t do any “formal” workouts during a 6-day vacation) and 48 wellness activities. And it all happened without fatiguing or stressing my body. Over time, I’ve made regular workouts a real habit (I try to work out 4-5 days a week and add in as much extra walking as I can), but this challenge was confirmation of just how much this habit has been incorporated into my life, and to how well I’ve been able to listen to my body and what it needs. One day I felt that I needed to “relax”, for instance, but realized I needed movement to do that: so I did a gentle yoga class, which was exactly what I needed. It’s these little things that show me just how much movement has entered my life, and how grateful I am to have turned a priority into a healthy need (all with the help of M/Body and this amazing community, of course). Feeling really proud!



Aug 15 at 02:38 PM

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Thrilled to say that this is the first EVER M/Body challenge where I’ve hit my original goal within the challenge period (woohoo!). I completed 45 workouts (something I didn’t think I would hit because I didn’t do any “formal” workouts during a 6-day vacation) and 48 wellness activities. And it all happened without fatiguing or stressing my body. Over time, I’ve made regular workouts a real habit (I try to work out 4-5 days a week and add in as much extra walking as I can), but this challenge was confirmation of just how much this habit has been incorporated into my life, and to how well I’ve been able to listen to my body and what it needs. One day I felt that I needed to “relax”, for instance, but realized I needed movement to do that: so I did a gentle yoga class, which was exactly what I needed. It’s these little things that show me just how much movement has entered my life, and how grateful I am to have turned a priority into a healthy need (all with the help of M/Body and this amazing community, of course). Feeling really proud!


Aug 09 at 03:33 PM

I would love an evening class on Thursday so I can come after work! I can do any time Friday and Sunday. Cannot wait!!

Commented on NYC Here We Come!

Jul 23 at 03:58 PM

I could do either, with a slight preference for the 26th!

Commented on M/<45 CORE SCULPT /301

Jul 16 at 01:50 PM

Really enjoyed this one! A slow burn that challenges the mind and the senses, but that's simultaneously really freeing and healing--my muscles were screaming at points, but this was almost therapeutic as a result. Some fun bonus ball work too!