Molly Gregory

Brooklyn, NY, United States

Aug 23 at 08:26 AM

I browse and search by date in the descriptions! Takes a minute, but it’s definitely faster/easier for me personally than clicking on random videos and seeing if I like the “vibe” 😅I’m sure some people don’t have this decision fatigue issue, but I’ve found searching for classes this way really helps me narrow things down and get started working out sooner vs. spending my time trying to find the “perfect” class. And then the energy of the class sort of aligns with the seasonal vibe, anyway!


Aug 21 at 08:27 AM

I actually don’t remember the last time I was able to do a Wednesday live since I usually have to go into the office, but not today!!! So so excited


Aug 05 at 04:30 PM

Loved loved loved this one. WOW. This almost felt foundational in how balanced it is, but--very true to form--it is also playful and adventurous. I really felt the love from the entire fam during the ending, even though I did this via the catalog and not live: a really special energy exchange. Highly recommend this one for every mood, every life stage, every M/Body level. The puppy joy is a wonderful bonus!


Jul 14 at 02:49 PM

This was such a freeing class. I'm moving through some really hard things at work right now, and this class set me FREE. While slightly tricky at first (as I find all glider classes), this was a beautifully meditative, truly ballet-inspired class that was utterly healing and opening, and FILLED with light. Loved loved loved it.

Apr 17 at 05:03 PM

Such a beautiful, balanced, restorative class. Just the RIGHT amount of gentle heat to let you open up and heal. This will be going into my regulars rotation!

Apr 12 at 06:52 PM

Come back to NYC! It feels like it’s an annual event at this point 😊

Commented on M/<20 CARDIO CORE /367

Apr 11 at 03:28 PM

This is maybe the most challenging 20-minute class on the platform to date (and that includes towel dances!). This is a DEEP burn/sculpt that takes you even deeper once you're deep in, and will challenge everything from your arms to your legs to, of course, your abs. The meditation at the end is GORGEOUS, and makes this one I want to keep coming back to. Love how the classes have been taking us deeper lately, and the emphasis on strength. It's amazingly empowering, and I am loving it!!

Mar 07 at 04:53 PM

Loved this class, which felt like a super complete 20-minute barre class (felt more like a sculpt-y burn, but there was also a LOT of sweat). This class gets it DONE in a very short amount of time. The ankle weights add a real burn factor to this, and by the end, you really do feel like you've just completed a moving meditation: I felt completely relaxed and unwound once we reached the closing. Can't wait to do it again!


Mar 01 at 10:48 AM

I'm really excited to try this class again! I was extremely intimidated going into it but tried to be open-minded..and was then shocked to discover that I needed heavier weights to make this challenging (I used 8 pounds + 1 pound balas). As a petite lady I've always had the mindset that I'm physically weak (how wrong is that!?), and this class really helped me realize that not only am I much stronger physically than I thought, but mentally, too. Never thought I would be one who loved strength training, but overall I found this class really accessible and challenging in a beautiful way. Hope to do more of these in the future (and to get some heavier weights for next time!).

Feb 19 at 09:33 AM

This was a deep burn that felt sculpt-like, and which challenged me even more mentally than it did physically (but the physical challenge was of course very much still present!). A great one for when you want to tune out by tuning in and focusing on choreography. Really excited to try this one again!