Cara Sheprow

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /62

Nov 29 at 11:23 AM

I loved the addition of weights during the dance in this class!Kept my heart rate going throughout. I got super sweaty and feel amazing afterward!

Commented on Attitude change

Nov 26 at 07:40 PM

I'm so glad you took some time out to heal!

Commented on ๐Ÿฅบ

Nov 26 at 07:37 PM

Ug! Nina! Injuries can be so discouraging! Hoping that you find some space to be kind to yourself and heal!

Replied on Class Requests

Nov 24 at 07:31 PM

I loved the knock out sweat too!!

Nov 24 at 07:28 PM

So appreciated!!

Nov 24 at 07:28 PM

Thanks Jessica!!

Commented on Vacation in wales!

Nov 24 at 07:27 PM

Loving these photos! Have an amazing time!


Nov 24 at 11:59 AM

Thank you all for being here! I'm so grateful for this space so I remember to care for myself.

Spent Thanksgiving eve in the ER with my elderly dad who has Alzheimer's and is now covid positive. He's ok, stabilized and back home. All this is to say I'm trying to cook a family meal today on just a few hours sleep! Just did the Cardio Dance and feel like me again!

Here we go!

Faith! So grateful you're in this community! Thank you for sharing. You'll get through this!!

Nov 22 at 10:11 AM

Getting back into a full 60 after being sick and doing shorter workouts/ stretch videos. Loved this one, felt great to be back in my body!