November 26, 2022

Hi! I had a bit of an unusual week. There was a pipe issue near my house, so we did not have water. I went to yoga midweek so that I could shower. I was tired after work but I reminded myself that I can exercise and then have a nice shower. On Thursday I got my flu vaccine and I started being quite tired after lunch. I toughed it out for the day and was exhausted when I got home. I slept and woke up feeling lousy. My boss suggested that I take the day to rest. I hesitated but I felt lousy so I followed his advice. I focussed on being lucky to have access to a free vaccine, free nurse care and working at a place that understands that rest is important. I now feel better and am delighted that I did not allow my anxiety to beat me. I am slowly getting ahead of the anxiety that stifled me last month.