Emily Jeffers


May 13 at 06:18 AM

Hi everyone, I have been using the curable app to help with anxiety - related migraines. I found this meditation really powerful. It fits perfectly with the making space theme so thought I would share it. Love to all, Emily x



Commented on I’ve Graduated!

May 10 at 12:04 AM

It feels really good to work at your edge! Well done x

Commented on Rough day today

May 05 at 03:28 AM

Was holding you and all the fam in my thoughts at end of my workout today ❤️

Commented on Fam faves

Apr 23 at 07:32 AM

Thank you to everyone for seeing me and supporting me! Wow you are all amazing xxx for anyone else struggling with anxiety my workout today was dedicated to all of you xxx

Commented on Fam faves

Apr 22 at 04:57 AM


Commented on Fam faves

Apr 21 at 01:07 AM

Thank you so much for your supportive comments. Sending it all back xxx wishing everyone a day with hope and joy to bring balance xxx


Apr 20 at 03:56 AM

Hello wonderful M/BODY fam x I’ve been struggling so much with anxiety last month or so. Even working out has felt heavy and hard, so I’m doing the fam fave 21 day challenge - fully trusting the global fam to take charge of my self care! Love to everyone xxx


Commented on Emerging

Apr 16 at 09:29 AM

I have been in a bit of a tunnel too Marisol. But still here. Showing up! Good luck with everything x


Mar 13 at 03:25 AM

Hi everyone, which guide are we following at the moment? Thanks ❤️


Feb 25 at 01:07 AM

I just wanted to post to say M Body meets my needs. Feel so lucky to have found you. THANKYOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️