Emily Jeffers

Feb 25 at 01:07 AM

I just wanted to post to say M Body meets my needs. Feel so lucky to have found you. THANKYOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Replied on post was deleted

Feb 15 at 01:59 PM


Commented on post was deleted

Feb 15 at 10:11 AM

Welcome! The amazing thing about these workouts I think is how you can give yourself up to the process, each one is so balanced and thought out. I never thought that working out 5 days a week would become normal for me ❤️

Feb 06 at 10:10 AM

Ok. Feeding the children then sticking to the workout plan!!!

Commented on New to the Fam!

Feb 02 at 01:50 AM

Welcome! So happy for you 🥰

Commented on Birthday!!

Jan 31 at 05:18 AM

Happy birthday! Great workout choice 🥰

Commented on Birthday Workout

Jan 26 at 01:14 AM

Glowing 🤩

Commented on Newbie

Jan 25 at 04:28 AM

Welcome! So excited for you. I started out with the 30 Min Numbered full body workouts. I didn’t do any regular exercise at the time and they got me started. They got me through being locked in the house with the children for the pandemic!

Commented on Perseverance

Jan 23 at 02:12 AM

Love this. Thank you x

Jan 20 at 12:08 AM

Sending love to you xxx