Emily Jeffers

Feb 12 at 10:33 AM

Googling EE Cummings poetry….🥰


Feb 08 at 12:43 AM

Hi ❤️ I also have shifted to mornings. I do it by only doing 30 mins so would love tips on upping the time.. the main thing that motivates me is just really noticing how much better I feel throughout the day. Also looking at what workouts I want to do or even just connecting on the community board in the evening. Love that photo by the way!

Feb 06 at 03:07 PM

Hi Nicole x I’m holding you in my thoughts. I’m not an expert but I know abusers can really twist your good intentions and tell the person you are trying to help that you are out to get them. You’ve done nothing wrong and being bullied at work is just horrible. Maybe she is making you feel bad because that’s how he makes her feel. In any case it seems to me like they are transferring a lot of negative feelings (fear, shame) onto you and your partner. This is so unfair and can happen when we are sensitive! It happens to me a lot. There is a workout where Marnie has a good line about shaking off other people’s stuff. And I love the protective bubble we make when we raise our hands up and around in sitting. My daughter whispered in my ear the other day when someone made me feel bad: ‘you’re a lovely queen.’ YOU ARE A LOVELY QUEEN xxxx

Jan 28 at 06:17 AM

I needed some 60 min motivation and this appears 🥰 looking forwards to catching up this eve!


Jan 26 at 12:07 AM


Thank you for the morning inspiration lovelies! Some excellent workouts on here. One done today. Have a great day everyone xxxx

Jan 24 at 09:24 AM

Love all these ideas! Thanks everyone 😘

Jan 23 at 11:04 PM

Thank you❤️ love to do an oldie! On my list for tomorrow x

Jan 22 at 11:04 PM

Wow x what an achievement!


Jan 13 at 02:12 AM

Looking forwards to reading your thoughtful posts ❤️ welcome back!


Commented on M/<30 DETOX SWEAT /340

Jan 04 at 07:33 AM

Excited to catch up on this one today ❤️
