Mali Perl

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /286

May 22 at 01:23 PM

This class lifted my spirit, IQ and booty. Not only is the music is a party, the moves ask you to be present in the moment and in your body. Your brain works, your booty pops and you end the class in joy.

May 08 at 01:16 PM

The flow in this class is unbelievable, with some extra spicy Cinco moves. Mucho gusto!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /273

Apr 10 at 01:11 PM

There's a reason Marnie's in Spiderman colors - it's because this workout flies by! The creative moves keep your brain working while your booty gets the workout and the music is *chef's kiss.*


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /269

Mar 27 at 01:24 PM

Happy Marnie-versary to all who celebrate! As Marnie says in the words of reverence of one of my favorite classes, wonderful things grow in darkness. Many of us found M/Body during a challenging time and it has transformed our lives in all the ways - physical, mental, spiritual and of course, booty-wise. Thank you for giving us so much joy and six packs!


Mar 07 at 01:20 PM

Please consider this a request to retitle this class "Ms. Alton, if you're nasty." This had me feeling everything everywhere all at once.

How can you tell a workout is perfection? When you're singing along the whole time. Prince, Tina and Beyonce? Yes, yes and YES. This class was absolutely flawless and the new moves really balanced fun with engagement. Marnie, you're on fire!

Feb 14 at 10:00 AM

I'm almost at my 3 year Marnie-versary and it's classes like these that reinforce the pure magic of M/Body. I loved having new moves for my arms, legs and brain. This was such a beautiful celebration of mind, body and spirit.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /253

Jan 31 at 03:38 PM

For anyone looking for a good entry into the 60 min classes, this is such a perfect class to experience. You work it all, the vibe is loose, the music is amazing and it's just the right pace.

Jan 29 at 02:59 PM

Way to go Jenny!

Jan 23 at 10:15 AM

This class challenges you to get past what your mind thinks you can do to what your body actually can do. I was scared of the ball balance without a chair but it was way easier than I thought it would be.