Rochelle KaplanRudolph

Jan 29 at 09:38 AM

Maya thank you for your post.


Jan 08 at 03:13 PM

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Fur babies sleeping


Commented on Letโ€™s get comfy!

Jan 08 at 03:12 PM

Love it Emily. Here is my other fur baby.


Jan 07 at 08:26 PM

To make me happy I love seeing pictures of fur babies sleeping. Posting here. Starting a new trend. Share your photos


Jan 04 at 05:09 PM

Marnie I love how generous you are with your time and knowledge. Thankful for you.

Commented on M/<20 DANCER'S LEGS

Jan 03 at 06:57 AM

This one is so good. If you are not a dancer you might be intimidated by the title. But I assure you this is so good for teaching you some basic barre moves and stretches along with strengthening using body weight. A must for newbies and for old gs to revisit.

Replied on post was deleted

Jan 02 at 04:06 PM

Best way to start a new year. By going back and looking thru fresh eyes you see so many little things that add up.

Commented on 60/60 โœ…

Dec 14 at 11:40 AM

Proud of you too.

Dec 14 at 11:40 AM

Thx Stephanie.


Dec 14 at 06:32 AM

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This one was sooo hard. I had a bad virus in the beginning but thx to the support I was able to make it to the mat 53 days out of 60. Yeah.