Arlynne McGrath

Antigonish, Canada


Mar 26 at 09:48 AM

So much love to you for your hard work and beautiful soul. Wishing you all the best in this next chapter- keep us posted!

And happy three year anniversary M/Body!


Mar 25 at 06:32 AM

So intense and good!!!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /253

Mar 11 at 08:11 AM

Loved this one! And loved Marnie's outfit too. <3 I was totally craving those inward rotations of the hip this week so I'm glad I found some. 

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /250

Mar 04 at 07:49 AM

I had very low energy today for no particular reason, but Marnie always reminds me in the best way to accept and love myself through the hard moments and give myself permission to have lower energy. I persisted through the workout and this felt like an act of self care. Love the meditation at the end, they always resonate with me and give me beautiful perspective. <3


Mar 02 at 03:46 AM

Walter insists on being petted throughout the cool down. Good for my nervous system!🥰


Feb 27 at 05:07 AM

This is a perfect pre workday work out!!🥰


Feb 05 at 11:01 AM

My new DIY studio! So excited to do the February challenge with this new set up!


Jan 25 at 07:07 AM

Today I reached for my feet in the stretch section…AND THEY WERE THERE!!! first time. 🥰💪

Jan 21 at 10:02 AM

I had another thought- I used to be able to do the splits. I'm working on it and I'm not obsessed or anything, but I'd love a splits series - short ones i could do daily to increase that flexibility with that goal.

Jan 21 at 09:58 AM

This is my first Live ever! Hello from Nova Scotia and it is my 45th birthday tomorrow so this is a birthday treat to make this time on a Saturday in the middle of a day! <3