
Jul 03 at 08:07 AM

Whew! Sweaty, quick moving, great semi-complex choreo that kept my mind very active and great reminders for me to flow and laugh when I'm off. Challenging enough I want to come back again, but not too challenging that I'm walking away defeated. Love the wisdoms throughout class, especially at end. Thank you!

Jul 03 at 08:05 AM

Sending a big hug to you!

Jul 02 at 08:13 AM

Exercise starts around 3:20 minutes. I feel AMAZING at the end of this class! Cardio, sweaty, firey burns. Used all the props. Holy ABS series at the end!! Choreo went a little quick in the beginning, but was simple enough to catch by the 2nd (or 3rd) round for me who tends to be slow to get the moves. I am doing this as part of the 21 Day Habit Hack: Ignite Resilience Board (but w/ my schedule I have to be flexible with the days I do the workouts). Thank you for this fab class!

Commented on M/<30 BARRE SCULPT /54

Jul 01 at 07:26 AM

This was powerfully sweaty with NO equipment and generally low impact. HOW does Marnie make that happen?? Great class with lots of sneaky work that doesn’t trip up your mind until you realize your muscles are talking to you. Great 30 min sweaty burn! Thank uou!

Jun 30 at 08:29 PM

This was a great Live class and I was so happy to have my mom work out with me! I find the Towel Dance classes quite challenging, but of the 3 workouts, I echo feedback from others that this was the most accessible to do. Will return to this again!

Jun 30 at 07:32 AM

Great choreography that was a challenge to my mind and my body. Sweaty and effective in 30 mins! Thank you!

Commented on Changing Perspective

Jun 30 at 05:40 AM

Such a powerful concept about re-claiming what is ours especially during times of difficulty. I’m glad you are feeling a little better, although I’m sure it hasn’t been a linear path. How incredible to use challenges to connect you to your inner knowing- thank you for sharing!

Jun 30 at 05:37 AM

Aww, beautiful!! 💕

Commented on M/<10 ABS

Jun 28 at 11:58 AM

I *may* have just covered my office door window and done this quickie workout to re-energize for the rest of my work day. It was very short but feels very effective! What a fabulous add-on to another class, or theoretically to do during your work day when you need a 10 min re-energizer but can’t get too sweaty.

Jun 27 at 07:22 PM

Yay Lindsey!! I was inspired by Kimberly T and her weekly re-visit of this class (love connecting with others in the #mbodyglobalfam on Instagram!). I just finished adding this class in 1x/week for a month and while I still have lots of room to progress in form and endurance, it’s cool to see (and feel) some improvements. As Marnie says, it is not a linear path.