
Aug 09 at 09:16 AM

So it’s HER issues, not a reflection of you/your worth/what you did or have not done. That mindset may help shield your heart from internalizing her comments. But it doesn’t stop them or change her. Sometimes we can say out loud to those loved ones WHY we don’t call or visit as much; how their comments make us feel; what we wish was different. Sometimes that helps them see our perspective in the dynamic, but other times they view that as our issue and not theirs. Please hold onto the knowledge of duality. You can love someone and not love their choices. You can love someone and need much more firm boundaries w/ them compared to others. You are not a “bad” person for honoring what you need….

Commented on Toxic parent anyone?

Aug 09 at 09:12 AM

Nicole, that is so tough. I wish you could have the connection you crave and luckily know you are worthy of. I honor how aware you are what you wish for and how you wish the visits made you feel compared to how it is with your mother. I bet that means you are so mindful in your other relationships to help your loved ones feel seen and heard and met wherever they are, and I bet they feel good after visits/calls with you. It shows how you are still able to give and create what you may not have received. Does considering “doing the best she can with what she knows” or considering that she may be so judgmental and critical as her OWN issues that unfortunately fall on those around her, but are a reflection of her and not of you? I wonder if that can help you create some emotional space…

Commented on M/<45 PRIDE SWEAT /106

Aug 09 at 03:11 AM

Fabulous combos while standing and while on all fours. Fun playlist and joyful energy. This was great for early morning workout to get the day started well. I have so much room for growth when we are doing straight leg stretches, such as on all fours and then up on one leg. Growth in millimeters for sure.

Commented on M/<30 BARRE SWEAT /138

Aug 08 at 02:59 AM

Fire builds especially in the legs (hello calves and thighs), but as I type this it's also in your arms and shoulders. Nice sweat sesh for the morning to rally some energy!

Commented on M/<30 BARRE + ARMS

Aug 07 at 06:57 PM

This is a great starting point! I tried this class for the first time after almost 6 months of M/BODY and still enjoyed it. All standing, very low impact, brief weights portion.

Commented on Surgery Recovery

Aug 06 at 11:41 AM

Oooph, “that’s not awesome” as my kiddo would say. Sorry it didn’t go as planned, so frustrating! I hope your recovery improves and you feel relief soon. Actively allowing time to heal and mindfully using that quieter time can be incredibly powerful. Wishing you comfort and healing!

Commented on Any Fam on PEI?

Aug 06 at 11:39 AM

Enjoy the travels Miranda!! ✈️❤️

Aug 06 at 11:38 AM

This class had the sweat dripping down my face, and yet it was the right level of speed and challenge for me. Not too much where I felt like collapsing or where I couldn’t keep up. The work at the barre and on the mat was divine (most sweaty points for me). I feel great all over - felt like a shorter class. Adding to my (oh so long) list of favorites!

Aug 06 at 10:04 AM

Hi sweet M/BODY behind the scenes queens!

Aug 06 at 10:04 AM

Hiiiii fam!