
Commented on M/<20 BARRE SWEAT /226

Oct 13 at 02:23 PM

Do you need a quick wake-up workout? Try this one! I was desktop crew for the Live, but had the opportunity to do this class the following day. Short class, strong legs and strong heart. Oh my thighs! Great postural reminders too. "You have the right to grow, and you don't have to apologize for it." Ohh Marnie's words of her own, and the readings she selects to share, resonate.

Oct 13 at 12:56 PM

❤️❤️❤️ I’m definitely hopping on before class! Probably will log off for the actual class, but LOVE the idea of seeing you and others before hand- thank you for setting this up!
Hi Arlynne! I don’t know how to “invite” you on FB and send the link (I tried). It’s a private group so you’ll answer 2-3 questions and then the admin will accept your joining request. I hope this helps you find it directly- can you type in Facebook search this exact wording: M/BODY Global Fam
Anniversaries can pull up lots of stuff. Yet you’re describing that the decision to make a change has been powerful for you; healthy, happy, and an opportunity. How cool you’re still “in the field” of your choosing and your longstanding passion! Letting go creates space for letting in. So glad you’re here and you are navigating ways to stay true to yourself. This Challenge sounds like it will compliment the growth and work you’re already doing so beautifully Megan ❤️
*Shania Twain voice* “let’s go girls!” I’m excited!!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /34

Oct 10 at 08:50 AM

Another slightly slower pace for a more intentional movement and inner heat. Medium impact with lower options. Uses all equipment. The curtsy lunge pulses and the choreo moving from the barre to the floor was awesome. The abs/core series with legs out in a wide-V and legs straight up was incredibly challenging for me today; grateful for all of Marnie's words to help combat that inner dialogue of frustration.

Commented on M/<45 BARRE SCULPT /20

Oct 09 at 01:25 PM

Exploring some older classes and this one was recommended by a fellow #mbodyglobalfam. Class starts around minute 4:06 and while it had some jumpy options for the cardio dance and a few modification options throughout, it felt fairly low impact but still builds the heat with a slightly slower pace. Majority of class was standing, brief barre work, and some floor work to round it out for glutes/hips/core and thighs. Great comments from Marnie about form and positioning as we move a bit slower, more intentional in this class.

Oct 08 at 04:11 PM

Gorgeous tattoo… and powerful message. Sending you a giant hug, Emily!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /225

Oct 08 at 03:07 PM

The awesome playlist celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month in the US and Canadian Thanksgiving and somehow, together within one class, that worked well. Great barre legs and hips, floor glutes/legs/core was phenomenal. I enjoyed the switch up stretching at the barre but while kneeling on the floor. This class is a good lil mix of signature moves!

Oct 07 at 07:47 AM

Enjoy your sweet little one and continue being loving to yourself as your body continues to adjust and you continue to adapt. “Fourth trimester” is no joke!