
Oct 15 at 09:13 PM

Great kickoff of the Fall Challenge- this class had a lot of signature moves w/ slight twists to keep it fresh. The promise of “only 16” is sprinkled in and the class has lots of changes to keep you going. Marnie’s words that got me today: “If you ever feel like the world gets too heavy, notice you’ve got yourself. Lift yourself back up.”

Commented on Happy Day 1!!!

Oct 15 at 05:08 PM

So happy to connect w/ you over zoom today!

Oct 15 at 05:07 PM

This pic makes me smile 🐾

Commented on Challenge day 1 done!

Oct 15 at 05:06 PM

Loved seeing and hearing you before class- and one of your littles too! Glad they went out so you could work out solo today 💕

Oct 15 at 05:02 PM

Ohhh Happy almost M/Body Anniversary!! 🎉

Replied on Day 1/60!

Oct 15 at 02:00 PM

Sooo glad to connect with you, Miranda!! ❤️❤️

Oct 15 at 01:14 PM

Oh no!! Hope you aren’t in too much pain and you are able to get around (and able to accept help along the way). You aren’t losing anything- your body is magical and as long as your medical team clears you (maybe specifically ask about some signature moves; releves, etc in advance?) then you can progressively return when you’re healed. There’s even that Getting Started Guide if you want to let that direct your practice when it is safe to do so. Feel better! ❤️

Commented on Day 1/60!

Oct 15 at 01:08 PM

My goals: 1) Complete at least 45 workouts and all 60 Wellness Activities in this 60-Day Challenge. 2) Shift away from bracing myself and more into flexibility rolling with these next few months, leaning and learning and not fighting the current. New and intimidating things are ahead, but I want to be fully present as I work through them and feel stronger on the other side. Can’t wait to meet that version of me a year from now. 3) Practice more letting go of the hurt, fear, unfairness, resentment, guilt and practice detachment from the parts of my life that are changing with as much love and gratitude as I can. It’s not denying the “negative” sides, but rather not getting stuck in that default mode. Feel it and work through it rather than carry it with me. ❤️


Oct 15 at 01:08 PM

Hiii everyone! I’m Monique from Maryland. Here’s a shiny selfie after Day 1’s Live class. So grateful for this community ❤️ Looking forward to my 2nd M/BODY Challenge to anchor into as some significant transitions are happening. Cheering everyone on through the big and small challenges and achievements! Jumping ahead to Day 2’s Wellness Activity of 3 goals in comment below:


Commented on Happy Challenge Day 1!

Oct 15 at 05:01 AM

Yaaay! Kady and Yvonne, what number challenge is this for you? As in third, fourth….? 🤩🤩