
Commented on Favourites

Mar 07 at 09:00 PM

Nicole this is almost like asking what my favorite song is from each genre- how do you choose just one?? I have intentions of creating more playlists on the M/BODY app that are specific: I have some marked as good for evenings and turns out Lindsey J and I both have created playlists for Badass Ballerina classes (and I’m sure we aren’t alone!). 😂💕 But narrowing down to a favorite class per length feels like I’m cheating on other classes. I hope to hear others’ comments for inspo!

Commented on Favorites ❤️

Mar 07 at 08:53 PM

Yesss!! IMO Marnie is on another kick of even more amazing classes! This has happened before… more than once… my favorites list is long- for exercise/movement classes- how cool is that?! ❤️

Replied on Recovery Flow??

Mar 07 at 08:50 PM

Beáta: ❤️Mademoiselle M/BODY Ambassador❤️

Mar 07 at 08:48 PM

Horray for these stats and your overall commitments over NINE years! I smile every time I see your name in a Live 🙂

Commented on Release the Feet!

Mar 07 at 08:45 PM

Cheers to your recovery, health, and discoveries!! Hugs Marisol

Commented on New ballet barres!

Mar 07 at 08:43 PM

Yaaaay!!! This is exciting- workable barres make such a difference! Enjoy ❤️


Mar 07 at 08:41 PM

It’s one of the M/BODY team member, behind the scene Queen, name I’ve probably typed every which way but the correct way during a Live: Katelyn’s Birthday!!?! Happy Birthday Katelyn!! Thank you for helping make this accessible to us and doing your thing so we can do ours! Cheers to you and your year ahead! 🎂🌞♥️

So glad you were able to do a favorite class today, Mary-Ellen. How beautiful and powerful is that?! I’ll remember seeing this when I need a little nudge to make it to the mat. ❤️

Commented on Saturday sweat sesh

Mar 07 at 08:26 PM

What a powerful community in your home! 💪💞

Commented on The life

Mar 07 at 08:24 PM

😍😍 I’m ready for a revival of those due baby posts to brighten the day! I hope you’re inspiring a re-boot of that, Leslie!