

Mar 16 at 07:50 AM

Day #12 and here to say the lemon water (w/ ginger, cayenne, and turmeric) has become a daily habit but I am not predicting the same for celery water. I’m down for new experiences, but I’m pretty sure I made the same face I make when drinking shots.

I’ve been adding a few handfuls of fresh spinach to my lunch smoothies (frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, milled flaxseed & water) and that has been a really easy addition of more greens. In fact, it tastes really good w/ frozen pineapple. Interested to hear others’ strategies for adding extra greens to their diet.



Mar 14 at 09:31 AM

Y’all, we are in the double digits of the Spring Challenge! 🎉 I’m enjoying reading others’ goals and look forward to reading more that get posted. This week I am continuing the goal of really minding my form- I think I lean my torso forward and that’s been adding to occasional knee discomfort. So continue watching my postural alignment in the mirror and keep my chest up. Additionally I am trying to replace the occasional breathless curse word with a smile when things get challenging to send the signal to my body and mind that this ALL fun, even the hard parts (fake-it-until-I-make-it).



Mar 10 at 08:13 PM


Mar 10 at 04:42 AM

Living on the east coast, Wednesday Lives are 1pm for me. I’m lucky to WFH on Wednesdays so I can exercise at that time, whereas many other work days I exercise at night. It makes such an impact on raising my energy with my afternoon/evening clients after having a workout and feeling the energy of Marnie’s instruction and knowing so many others are doing the same in real time (or watching from work and engaging in that way). I was aware of that all yesterday and enjoyed it! Exercising at night can make sleep initiation harder, yet it’s easier for me to stay up later than awake earlier to get it in first thing in the morning. Thank you all for the energy boost to not only keep on going during workouts but for that lingering effect for the rest of the day. Will be going through the medicines/supplements later on to clear out expired items for Day #6!


Mar 08 at 03:48 AM

Kicking off Day #4 w/ lemon water (fresh lemon, ginger, cayenne pepper & turmeric) although my 5 year old has taken all the mason jars to make “potions” (now filled w/ food coloring, glitter, cinnamon, and soap) so chugging from a regular glass. ❤️

I journaled my smart goals last night and sharing them here- hopefully it’s legible. Cheers to each of you as you continue your journey! 💪

Cheers to the women-owned and operated M/Body on International Women’s Day (as Daniela pointed out in her post on the app yesterday)! I posted on FB but I know not everyone uses that platform.



Mar 05 at 11:32 AM

Entering my third week of M/Body living and loved day #1 of the Spring Challenge! Thankful to have a body that can move and stretch and dance, and thankful to be here with everyone in the Global Fam!