
Apr 30 at 02:09 PM

I gotcha covered 💛

Commented on Hi Fam!

Apr 30 at 02:08 PM

Love this, Emily! 💫

Apr 30 at 01:28 PM

I did this w/ a small pilates ball (b/c that’s what I had). I did it immediately after M/<45 full body sweat /124 and I’m glad this was in the privacy of my home b/c (bear with me) I sounded like the FRIENDS episode where Monica made very satisfied noises during a massage from Phoebe and unintentionally made her uncomfortable. A lot of “oh my God” out loud over here. My body *needed* this class! Then the closing message about our bodies longing and waiting to be our friend- just left me covered in goosebumps. Thank you for this video!

Apr 30 at 12:57 PM

“You are enough, just as you are. You can’t hear that enough.” Loved the ending messages and enjoyed the choreography. The leg lifts to downward dog are always fun and challenging! The end stretches of wrapping one leg across the midline to the other side, then exploring to hold onto the top leg and stretch the lower leg to grab with the other hand felt like a fun shape to explore.

Commented on Workout companion

Apr 30 at 11:46 AM

What a cute (and low-key) cheerleader! 🐾😍

Apr 30 at 10:07 AM

No live today… it’s the release of the recorded micro ball video (now posted). I *think* Marnie and Danni are traveling and scoping out a possible space for an IRL class (I know there isn’t a live class today, but I’m not 100% sure if they’re traveling). Next live class is Wednesday 😊

Apr 29 at 01:13 PM

Glad you’re feeling better! 🩰

Apr 29 at 08:33 AM

Wow coming back to this class about 2 months after I first tried it and seeing the endurance difference is so rewarding! I could hold onto 3 lb dumbbells for almost all of it this time around.

Commented on Day 55

Apr 29 at 05:54 AM

Yes Miranda! 🙌 It’s ok when our initial, knee-jerk reaction is our older mode of thinking, it’s what we do NEXT that matters. Choosing to think or act differently. Love hearing about your strength & journey!

Replied on Hit my mark again!

Apr 28 at 09:21 AM

Beautifully said from your heart and inner knowing, Jessica, as always. I appreciate reading your comments. 💗