June 28, 2022

Hi Fam! Just wanted to share what I’ve been working on to further my path to mental health and wellness. I’m an OG Barre Belle and have been working w/Marnie & co for awhile. I was struck with Covid mid December 2020; it’s taken a 1 1/2 to feel normal(some days I can’t smell, joint pain, brain fog, etc) not to mention the mental depression and anxiety. No pity for me though, I cling to knowledge and methods that heal naturally but with consistency. I wasn’t able to get to class for a few months amd of course I started back slowly but I never revisited those sessions I missed. I’ve spent the last two months reclaiming that time in my history; when I was weak, powerless and desperate. I did each class hearing Marnies words and they hit in a powerful way, helping me remember who I am and how I needed to take up my space. So I am encouraging everyone to revisit a time when you were in a difficult or dreadful headspace, take the classes around that time and see if that can help change the narrative or memory in our minds. We all deserve to be kind to ourselves 💛 love to all the global fam xT