
Replied on Better Posture

Jul 20 at 03:42 PM

To clarify I definitely have dealt with body image issues and reclaiming- I meant I couldn’t relate to having a large chest (and yet size doesn’t matter when it comes to bad experiences or others crossing our boundaries especially when we were younger). Sending love and strength to view yourself in a loving, safe, protected, and reclaimed way.

Jul 20 at 06:48 AM

I was so excited to do this class, as I was a desktop warrior during the Live streaming. The combos were incredible in this- I am immediately favoriting and will be coming back to this low-impact but firey, sweaty class. Sending love from outside of Baltimore, MD!

Jul 20 at 04:03 AM

Hope the call came and went, and you find yourself still standing. While so many classes feel joyful to me (including the Pride classes even though I’m vanilla cis gender hetero), I think pairing any movement that feels good with the words of wisdom in classes (reminders that we are strong, take up space, we are safe and well, we flow like water, the time will pass anyway…) is helpful. As is rest and other kindness to your body and spirit. Sorry your boss can be an ass or at least communicates about difficult things in unhelpful ways. Hope a new day dawns for you soon, and the fires are put out.

Commented on Sending love

Jul 20 at 03:59 AM

Thankful for you, your message and beautiful reminders, and this incredible community. It is definitely a trying time and yet it will pass and other ebbs and flows are on the horizon. Sending that protective light back to house across the states, Amanda! 🖤

Jul 19 at 09:52 PM

Great class and playlist! I did this one outside while traveling, and I felt it work everything. Marnie’s reminders/corrections of form are consistently helpful.

Jul 19 at 09:49 PM

Forgot to comment after doing the Live of this class. It feels so good during class, but the end of class stretches feel AMAZING!!! Being guided through the “puppy stretch” transitioning to “tree frog fingers,” and ending with hands flat pressed to the ground and palms skyward was straight up therapeutic. What a stretch and release!!

Commented on Picture!

Jul 19 at 07:47 AM

Such a sweet pea!! Fabulous modeling of moving and loving our bodies in front of your little one… and the crew of lovies ❤️

Jul 19 at 07:46 AM


Commented on Balance

Jul 19 at 05:53 AM

Love the fam pic! 😍 so special to share the experience of the ocean w/ kiddos

Commented on Better Posture

Jul 19 at 05:49 AM

Thank you for sharing something vulnerable. I’m sure many can relate. While I cannot, I do like the idea of reclaiming. Reclaiming parts and all of our bodies that we perceived were for others, or were shamed to have, or that we chose to share (such as through pregnancy). But to mindfully, intentionally, and actively tell ourselves and our bodies that all parts of us are ours. Regardless of size, societal expectations, or history. Setting that boundary now in adulthood that no one can misuse or abuse any parts of us. We release the shame or guilt. I’m not sure if any of that would help, but it can be a powerful practice to try. Sending love to you as a whole person, all the parts and pieces that make up you.