September 28, 2022

Hi gorgeous fam! Good news-

This October 28th I'll be getting married to the love of my life over the last 15 yrs! (High school sweethearts) We have been family planning and hope we can have a beautiful family. Big changes and it's been painful, you see, after my mom died, my fiance and I have been taking care of my brothers. My father who was abusive left shortly after mom died. We decided to stay, take care of the home, and raise my young teenage brothers at the time. It's been an honor for us raising those boys but the glory goes to my mother. I wish she could be here with us.

Life is moving on as life does. Everything is changing and I've been experiencing all the colors as we say. I am grateful for my life and all its messiness. I'm grateful for the movement we do because it truly keeps me balanced. I'm grateful for the love and support of this community. Thank you Marnie for all your encouragement of embracing all of our emotions.

Cheers to all types of love โค๏ธ