
Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /337

Jul 25 at 08:40 AM

The comments before me don't lie; this 60 Signature has fun music, brings a lot of low/high movements while we are standing (in wide second) and going deeply down while standing and at the barre. The arm dance is a fun twist that brings a cardio dance and weighted punches and switches it up a bit. The barre series is a beautiful leg and glute burn with hip openers. We are only briefly plank/push-up flow, and use the ball to help support us throughout the abdominal mat series. Beautiful words at the end. High energy, dance-y, getting down low, and feeling great! 

Commented on M/<30 BOOTY BURN /393

Jul 24 at 12:58 PM

The burn in the legs and booty is REAL! This is a fun glider class that blends “regular” choreography with previous glider class choreography to create a refreshing take on a glider class. The ankle weights add some serious “oomph” to the class. I used my mat at the end of class for the glute bridge series incorporating gliders (my oh my!) and when I revisit this class, I’ll take my mat out earlier for the one knee work we do. Class begins without using gliders, but having the ankle weights from the very start was great. The M/BODY gliders on a rug worked sooooo well! They slide nicely, compared to when I use fuzzy socks on hardwood floors and can feel every grain in the wood. I look forward to doing this class again and exploring how deep and low I can go. This and the ballet glider class (#387) are my favorite classes so far which use gliders!


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /33

Jul 23 at 03:44 PM

Fabulous Signature, but as Lindsey J commented years ago this class is special in the energy and celebration of completing the first 60 Day Challenge online and the choreography is all parallel feet rather than turn out. I found the slight variation of the arm dance a nice refresh and the flow of barre onto mat and then back up for the other side kept this class flying by so quickly. This had some planking, but felt less than many 60 Signatures (if your wrists, shoulders, whatever need a class that features those motions a little less). We are on the mat in tabletop position with leg lifts, but that feels less burdensome. Marnie has helpful cues throughout on form notes and a wonderful sprinkling of supportive phrases and sayings for the mental work we do in these classes.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /14

Jul 22 at 07:07 AM

Classic Signature in which class begins right away and we roll through the traditional Signature series. This class seemed to offer a lot of lymphatic drainage and great stretch with sculpt and elongation. I unknowingly chose this one almost four years to the date it was posted! ❤️

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /40

Jul 21 at 12:21 PM

Marnie Mouse, eek!! I love it! And I loved the “letting go” focus paired with the hip openers and pelvic floor work through the choreography. This class also featured a lot of narrow V-shapes of our feet and knees. Traditional Signature flow to a fun Halloween playlist, the first Halloween class on the M/BODY online platform!

Jul 20 at 11:43 AM

Joyful! This class had Richard Simmons infused joyful cardio dance sequences that felt longer than usual, with handweights for arm dance after which engaged my arms and back muscles, followed by one leg barre choreography that worked both legs, glutes, and core so intensely, and then down to the floor for abs with our movement ball for pilates inspired serious work engaging leg movements and holds with those abdominal muscles and ended with glutes in a bridge dance with the ball behind our knees (an unexpected detail twist). This class was bouncy, pulses in releve, and upbeat, with serious muscle activation in a lighthearted vibe with a super fun playlist spanning oldies of the 1950s/1960s to the 1990s. The words at the end after cool down speak to sharing kindness and light. This 45 minute class is not to be missed when you need more joy filling your cup.


Jul 20 at 07:26 AM

Omg!!! Please kiss that nose for me!


Jul 19 at 02:07 PM

This brought the sweat! I felt stronger from top to bottom afterward. No equipment needed, but hydrate!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /325

Jul 19 at 01:50 PM

Loved this class (especially the shoutout to my child at the barre series)! This was a class that brought the heat and sweat, with a focus on gratitude throughout. 

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /53

Jul 19 at 12:23 PM

Wonderfully easy to follow along with choreography (easy to follow but muscle activation from shoulders to feet). I appreciate Marnie's reminders that different options are not better or worse, simply different. I appreciate how a fairly simple move can become more challenging with slight adjustments. I appreciate the message at the end of the cool-dawn stretches. This was a class Signature class that moves with a nice pace and was over before I realized an hour had passed. This was my Christmas in July class (completed July 19, 2024 as I work on going through the entire M/BODY catalog of classes to explore).