Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Jan 06 at 06:28 AM

Thank you Fanni!! I embrace the love- you are wonderful! Cheers!

Jan 06 at 06:28 AM

Love you Emily! Thank you so much the prayers, it fills my heart with peace and hope. You are always such light on the CB. I hope you have a wonderful year!!

Jan 06 at 06:26 AM

Thank you M/BODY for creating this space where we can share and connect with each other. It is truly beautiful. And thank you for the love and being there for me during a difficult time. And yay! I'm really excited to level up with the Barre! Happy New Year to the team! Love you all!!! :)

Jan 06 at 06:24 AM

Hey beautiful! Thank you!! Omg, i didn't think there would be much of a difference having a barre, but there really is. lol I like that the barre can be adjust to my height, with the chair I was a bit limited. I am loving the barre and really looking forward to using it this year!


Jan 05 at 11:37 AM

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Cheers everyone! 2022 was an incredible year, filled many ups and downs. It started with Covid, joining M/Body-making new friends, winning the Spring/Summer Challenge, to preparing for marriage to getting married, finishing school, to experiencing a miscarriage and having my first surgery ever, to taking time off to recover and grieve the loss of our baby. I haven't really been around on the CB since September and I've missed you all!

It has not been easy, but my soul is grateful for the experience and how much it's allowed me to grow.

My word for this year is "Surrender". To practice patience and humility often and to not possess the trait of self-reliance in excess which creates a collapse inward.

For Christmas I got a portal Barre!! I can retire my good ol' dining room chair. I'm so excited to workout with this barre this year! Peace and love to you all!!


Dec 12 at 06:21 AM

The feeling is mutual! Your post reminded me to stay on track as well. You've shown so much joy and creative expression in this challenge that it inspired me on the unmotivated days. Thank you for that. :) Again, congratulations on the completion of The Challenge!

Dec 11 at 06:51 PM

Awesome Meena! I am so happy for you! Yay!!

Commented on My New Dance Space!

Dec 11 at 06:50 PM

Enjoy your new space! Cheers to making it your own. So beautiful Emily. May your workouts always bring you nourishment and restoration.

Dec 10 at 02:35 PM

That's a goodie to keep!
Hey Whit! I'm glad to hear everything went well. Still keeping you and your family in my prayers tonight. ๐Ÿ™