Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Replied on Discipline

Jan 17 at 10:10 AM

Always girl. I like to believe M/BODY has taught us discipline and the healing powering of routine by getting to the mat on a regular basis. 

Replied on post was deleted

Jan 17 at 10:09 AM

O it's been a great start Jessica- filled with joy and love. Thank you. I hope the new year has been good to you too. You're the best <3 

Jan 16 at 04:59 PM

Cheers to completing the 10-Day Challenge!!! 

Commented on post was deleted

Jan 16 at 04:57 PM

I can feel the crisp air from the photos! Absolutely stunning! 

Commented on Marvelous Monday!

Jan 16 at 04:56 PM

Happy MLK Day! So many great quotes from MLK that have had a hand in shaping my heart.

 In honor of the life and death of MLK here is one of my favorites as well: 

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.”

Thank you for sharing Maya! May you have a beautiful and flourishing week as well! <3 

Replied on Discipline

Jan 16 at 04:50 PM

Thank you!! I hope you all are having a splendid Monday as well.

One of the biggest takeaways M/BODY has strengthen within myself is discipline. It all began with participating in The Challenge last spring showing up everyday. The experience truly reinforced healthy habits of movement and nourishing my body. Please accept my humble gratitude. <3 I'm just so happy to be here and be a part of this joyful space that the M/BODY team and community have created. Love to you all!! 


Jan 16 at 08:42 AM

"Our human tendency to think of discipline as a negative thing is unfortunate, and incorrect. It’s not as alarming or unpleasant as it sounds and is actually incredibly freeing. Discipline is the result of your free will making a decision to order your life, your duties, and your appetites. When practiced and established, we experience peace of mind; accomplish more; feel less stressed; and find that we have more time at our disposal, not less." -Genevieve Cunningham


Commented on Sunshine

Jan 14 at 11:49 AM

Same in our region Mary-Ellen. I'm so happy for you taking advantage of sun and the outdoor workouts! The dreary weather has taught me to laugh more and hone in on the joys of life to let that inner light shine! 

Jan 14 at 11:43 AM

The 60 min signature works well for my schedule. However, I love ALL of the classes! The variety is awesome. I would love detailed form course like in our Q&A's; I've been playing around with the specificity of alignment + engagement & certainty feels like confidence. Thank you M/BODY team for all your hard work!

Replied on Starting

Jan 07 at 03:21 PM

Meet you** lol