June 27, 2023

So my goal for the week is simple, but a hard one for me- and thatโ€™s prioritizing sleep! My goal is to journal and get in bed by 10pm for at least 5 out of the next 7 days. Phone in the other room. Pink noise on. Hoping this will help in several areas of my life ๐Ÿ˜‚

And a moment of gratitude and joy: the first 10 days of this challenge have been like a body mind reset for me. Like every day is taking me back to principle I thought I mastered, and showing me I can trust my body even more and lean more into intention. Ex: pulling energy from the earth in wide second and just feeeeeeling it all the way up my body, or pushing the earth away in planks and discovering a new feeling of support through my arms and back. Iโ€™m just blown away, and so so happy.