
Apr 16 at 06:54 AM

Loved coming back to this one for the 2024 Spring Challenge! I remember having trouble picking up the complex choroeographic sequence in the middle the first time I did it, but this time it came so much easier! So fun to see the growth! Thank you Marnie for a FUN cardio dance!


Thank you for this recommendation Vale! Iโ€™ll definitely need to look into it because it sounds right up my alley!



Apr 15 at 07:31 PM

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Fam! Had to post these photos here saying I was thinking of you all this morning. The past few days have been unseasonably warm here in Wisconsin, and this morning, while on a walk with the dog, I stood in the warm sunlight, bathing in the beauty, taking a few calm moments and breaths before the start of the day. While standing in the sun, the words โ€œBe in the Light" immediately came to mind, and all of a sudden, I felt connected to you. I felt light and energy beaming out of my heart and to all of you in theย world.
In hindsight, I'm grateful to have had this moment and realization on day 1 of the challenge. What wonderful energy to start on! Sending lots of love and light to all of you!!


Apr 15 at 05:35 AM

Fire in the legs! I loved all of the new combos in this class. A definite challenge for the legs and glutes which I can't wait to come back to!


Commented on M/<20 CARDIO CORE /367

Apr 12 at 06:40 AM

Definitely a new favorite! I loved the combinations of new moves, twists, and felt so empowered with 5 lb weights! The end left me dripping with sweat and the meditation had me in tears! Exactly what I needed to hear and now off to journal about those fears while shining light on them.


Apr 11 at 06:51 AM

Update: although this class wasn't as challenging as I initially, my inner thighs are feeling it today (felt like Marnie when I noticed it saying to myself "hello inner thighs!"). Marnie magic as always!ย 


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /151

Apr 11 at 06:49 AM

Lovely standard signature. Some jumps, and red light series alternates between the barre and the floor. Plank series felt great! Proud of myself for mostly keeping up with Marie's speed, but definitely one to come back to. Great abs work with the ball at the end! I challenged myself by learning more into the fire and I found that mindset really helped. Lots of lovely phrases, but the ones that stuck with me were our body is always in shape because we're constantly making shapes, nature shows us that we can't be stuck (we're ever-changing and evolving), and be the loving witness, not the judge.


Apr 10 at 07:07 AM

I was nervous to do this one, but it wasn't nearly as hard as I expected (hooray for growth & strength!)! Definite leg burn and activation, which also felt glorious in the hips. Loved channeling my inner ballerina! Extraordinary message at the end about what is for you and how it should feel easy and light. Can't wait to come back to this one!

Apr 10 at 07:05 AM

Me too Chantale! I was nervous to do this, finally got to it this morning, and absolutely loved it!

Commented on M/<20 ABS + ARMS /166

Apr 10 at 07:03 AM

Came back to this class today! Lovely add on with challenging triceps work for me, but tried not to my arms down! A brief warmup, and then weights which felt activating in my back (in the best way) and then knees tor triceps and floor for abs. Well rounded! Thank you Marnie!