
Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /366

Apr 09 at 08:37 AM

LOVED this signature. Great music, some leg work that had them feeling activated for a few hours after. Ball really brings the heat. Nice core activation during the booty work and the ball during abs BROUGHT THE FIRE! Looking forward to coming back to this one!

Commented on M/<45 BARRE SCULPT /16

Apr 09 at 08:33 AM

Sweaty and mostly signature moves. There's a focus on the fire, using pressure to create diamonds with many 4 sets of 8! Love the use of the ball and the planks. Did both the abs and planks and arms without stopping or dropping (proud of myself!). Great playlist throughout. Thank you Marnie!

Apr 02 at 07:30 PM


And the finale photo!

Apr 02 at 07:29 PM


Another photo I couldn't add above!

Apr 02 at 07:29 PM


This has been on my to-do list for awhile & I'm finally making it happen! M/Body makes me feel empowered, seen, loved, flexible, and reminded of the most powerful truths. It fuels my fire, grounds me in the present, and helps me to focus on my breath... moving through, challenging, and strong!ย 

Apr 02 at 07:12 PM

I'm with Cara on this one - laying outside, in the sun, completely supported by the Earth. It's one of my favorite feelings in the world & seems to help all worries and thoughts fade, welcoming the sun and loving presence.ย 

Apr 02 at 07:09 PM

I am with you Cara!! I did this a few weeks ago, laying on the ground, feeling Mama Earth, and I felt so connected i wanted to do it everyday! Thank you for this beautiful reminder!


Commented on M/<45 HIPS + SEAT /61

Apr 01 at 06:20 AM

All about the LEGS! Different variation to warmup, which was welcome. Many 16 and longer pulses, as Lindsey said hello wide second!! Shaking in the beginning after brief arms with the ball. Nice booty work and circles throughout. Hips were SO OPEN at the end! Got farther in wide stretch reaching forward on the ground, which felt amazing!ย 

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /56

Mar 30 at 12:54 PM

Classic signature. ALL ABOUT THE LEGS! Brief arm series that was more activating, but the legs had lots of fiery 4 sets of 8 that had me sinking into the burn. Lovely work with the ball and words throughout. Thank you Marnie for this one - felt full circle as today marked the 4 year anniversary and this class was the first one in the new studio! Cheers to these past 4 years and here's to many many more!

Mar 28 at 07:40 AM

Wow! ALL ABOUT THE LEGS! Quick, fiery 20 minutes. Loved playing with the ball and all of the twists. Great ab work at the end that I want to go back to to improve upon!